Throw out the spinach
WASHINGTON (AP) - Consumers nationwide should not eat fresh bagged spinach, say health officials probing a multistate outbreak of E. coli that killed at least one person and made dozens of others sick.
Food and Drug Administration and state officials don't know the cause of the outbreak, although raw, packaged spinach appears likely. "We're advising people not to eat it," said Dr. David Acheson of the FDA's Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
It was reported a few minutes ago to throw out all bagged spinach!
Hugs, Sandyd
I know, I was being good all last week and had incorporated more salads in my diet.....part of which was bagged baby spinach!! I had a voicemail from my mom first thing this morning saying I know you said you were eating spinach, but stop!! Glad I saw the news (and of course my mom's message
) before I went grocery shopping. Walmart still had it on the shelf this afternoon.....