WTF is up w/ Dr. Bour's office!!???
(deactivated member)
on 9/12/06 11:31 pm - PA
on 9/12/06 11:31 pm - PA
I am PISSED!!!
If some of you don't know, they no longer draw blood at Dr. Bour's office. You have to go to a lab. So I get this letter stating that and telling me that I have to go to SPECTRUM LABORATORIES 2 weeks before my appointment to have blood drawn for my 6 months visit. The letter clearly states which laboratory and has maps of the 2 locations highlighted on the back. So I waste half my morning (starving by the way) looking for one place and finally give up and look for the other location. After fighting traffic in POURING RAIN at both locations and waiting waiting waiting, the tech draws my blood, asks all kinds of personal questions about the surgery (she recognized Dr. Bour's name) and sends me on my way.
As I am walking into the door of my office an hour and 15 minutes LATE (in the RAIN again) my cell rings. Its Carmen. She tells me that the tech noticed on my order that it had LAB CORP written on it. They were not going to charge me (duh - like I would pay it if they did.) But I needed to go to a Lab corp to get my blood drawn. WTF!!!!!!
I just lost it.
She said it was because of my insurance. Why did they send the letter to me clearly stating that I had to go to Spectrum?!?!?!? They really need to get it together over there!
So NOW I get to stay and extra hour and 15 minutes late to make up the time I missed at work today for NOTHING!!!!!!!!!! I have to make other arrangements for someone to pick up my daughter from daycare and I GET TO DO IT ALL OVER AGAIN!!
Carmen has some good news - Lab Corp has an office open on Saturdays. BUt of course it is WAY out of my way. LUCKY LUCKY ME!!!
I swear there is steam coming out of my ears right now.
P.S. Did I mention that I'm wet and cold becasue I was in the POURING RAIN!!!!!!!

(deactivated member)
on 9/13/06 11:16 pm - PA
on 9/13/06 11:16 pm - PA
I wish they would replace Kim. She seemed to have it more together than they have it now. Things went so smoothly for me at the beginning. Now this what I have to look forward to? I hope not. I'm sure they know there is a problem, I just wish they would solve it.

I just go to my PCP to have my blood drawn. Then I have her fax the results over to the surgeon.
I don't mind paying the $20.00 to have it done there. It keeps my PCP in the loop and then I don't have to repeat any tests for my co morbids, she already has the info.
It's easier to get a PCP to fax results to the surgeon, than the other way around.
(deactivated member)
on 9/13/06 11:32 pm - PA
on 9/13/06 11:32 pm - PA
Wel, my PCP always sends me to LAB CORP. I should have known better and questioned it to begin with...
I think my insurance (which is GREAT by the way) has some sort of contract with them. Its just about the only inconvenient thing I've come across so far.

(deactivated member)
on 9/13/06 11:17 pm - PA
on 9/13/06 11:17 pm - PA
I rememebr them saying something about surveys. Where are they? I wanna fill one out!