need a big prayer
I know we all need support from time to time I am asking for a big prayer for my son ,this has been a long weekend & week & it is only Monday ,my son was getting up Friday for school & passed out scared me to death he was out for a while I took him to ER & they did a CAT scan it was ok checked his sugar it was ok did a EKg everything looked ok but did blood work not so good his white blood cells are low again he had problems when he was younger & got real sick just hope & pray this does not happen again !! he has a follow up on Thursday please say a prayer for him I belive in the power of prayer !!!
his poor chin is brused up & mouth is also & arm also he s only 14 ,
thank you all I just had to get this off my chest,what are friends for right to pray for each other & support each other thanks Becky