Not doing too good
I had my surgery on 7-24-06 and ever since then I've had really bad diahrea and vomiting (sorry for the spelling) we can't figure out what might be wrong with me .....
Right now I'm not getting in no where near my protein and my fluids cause I can't hardly keep it down on in when I drink....
I've already been back into the hospital from it and I'm getting to the point that I can't stand this all the time... Plus my incision (sp) has gotten infected and opened up which isn't big but I still have to pack it to drain it out...
Please any advice about this would be welcomed
Hey Stephie,
Have you called Dr. Ross again? He would want to know that you are still having a hard time. Don't let yourself keep going like this. I do know that if you are dehydrated that it will make your nausea worse. Do you get sick with everything that you eat or drink? You're not eating too much too quick are you? I wish I could help you but I'm only 2 weeks out so I'm still learning.
I'll be waiting to hear from you.
Call Dr. Ross!
I am so so sorry to hear about your troubles. I had my surgery almost a year ago and had the infection problem that you are. Did they give you an antibiotic. And don't worry about getting in the protein yet, there's no way that you can. My advice is popsicles,and even though we have to watch carbs, I would have to dissolve saltines in my mouth, then swallow just to help with nausea. I promise that it does get better. Just work on fluids, I would even freeze crystal light and have it like a slushy. Good luck
We are so sorry that you are having such an awful time of it. Have they scoped you looking for strictures or for ulcers? I remember speaking with a lady in the waiting room who was a year out & she had had several ulcers (over that year's time) near the opening of her pouch & she had your symptoms - couldn't keep anything down when the ulcers would present themselves.
Keep us updated on your progress ... We send our prayers to you, Ms Stephie!
God bless you & heal you ... Dawn & Nick
I'm sorry that you are feeling so bad. I would still call Dr. Ross back. If you can't get any fluids in, you will become dehydrated and that isn't a good thing. Also, he probably needs to look at your incision if it is infected. He really would want to know that you are feeling so bad.
I'll keep you in my prayers, sweetie