i am so mad at dr. bour's office i don't know what to do. long story short they owe me over $700 and said it was going out last week. well guess what i called today and the thing not only hasn't been mailed but hasn't even been printed. so they tell me i can pick it up today but guess what? i get a call right back saying that it can't be printed today because of payroll. i have been lied to. and i'm sick of it. i had to come up with way more money than i needed to and they promised i'd get the check soon after surgery. the insurance checks cleared a month ago. i don't know about you guys but i don't have $700 to **** away. i have bills too. this is rediculous and i am so mad i could burst. (told you guys i have anger management issues.) i'm coming out of my skin again. heart pounding and breathing heavy. i just don't understand such a lack of concern for patients. i tried everything to keep from paying this to start with because I KNEW i didn't owe it. now look. i am getting screwed. sorry for the rant. i'll stop now.