I'd love to hear what everyone plans to do for the day! I intend to relax by the pool (if it does not rain) with a good book. If it rains, well, I'll still be a sloth and rest up after yesterday's ordeal.
We are going to my dad's house for lunch. My step-sisters and families are coming too and we're all just going to hang out by the lake. The ladies are supposed to bring the food, but Cecil won't allow me to cook! Yippee!! So, he is providing our portion of the meal. The other ladies are so jealous.
Happy Mom's Day everyone. I plan to go out to "brunch" with my kids after church and then go to the Mall and have a manicure/pedicure............gonna baby myself - and why not! Hope you all do the same.
We are getting both sets of parents and going out to breakfast together. I am so afraid to eat anything but I am sure, since it is Town & Country Buffet, I can find something really soft and puree-like.
THEN, I will go into sloth-mode.