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on 10/6/19 7:32 am
Topic: RE: Revision Scheduled in One week

How did surgery go last month? You should be 4+ weeks post-op so hoping your recovery is going well. We'd love an update if you're up to it.

on 10/6/19 7:16 am
Topic: RE: RNY revision in Tulsa, Ok

Initially after gastric bypass my GERD resolved but then it came back even though I was at a normal BMI; I also developed Barrett's Esophagus. So last summer (July 2018) I had hiatal hernia repair and Nissen Fundoplication surgery and I am doing great - no PPIs required anymore.

on 10/6/19 7:01 am, edited 10/6/19 12:03 am
on 10/6/19 6:48 am - AL
Topic: Scared...vsg to rny


I'm just going to lay it all out there because I don't know what else to do....

My husband and I both had VSG on 1/30/2012, I was at 549.8lbs. I lost down to right about 390 and hit a plateau, I got frustrated and started making poor food choices (mistake #1)and even gained up to 425 at one point. My husband had similar results. I had lost back down to about 380 but never got lower. we did not continue to see our surgeon. Mistake #2. I always said I wish I had done the full RNY, not the VSG and would have it revised if I could, but had been told it's not something that most do, unless it's needed.

Until about July of this year I stayed about 380 I started throwing up completely randomly. It started with what the MD treated at strep throat, I had a cold and my lymph nodes were swollen as well. Two weeks later I went back, still throwing up. But this time the scale said I was 16# lighter. This goes on for 2 months, and 60#s. My PCP suggest going back to my surgeon because I was throwing up daily and ended up in the ER. After an EGD and lower GI series (barium is awful!) it was determined I have a "twist" in my sleeve and a hiatal hernia. My surgeon said that a RNY revision is more than likely what he would need to do to fix it.

Surgery is Friday I go to the pre surgery class again Wednesday.

im terrified for and excited We are living with my parents while we build, and I'm worried about doing it while living here My husband says he is going to eat just like I do, full liquids and all, in hopes he can "reprogram". With the vsg we cleaned our entire house out, there was nothing but what we could have in the house We didn't cook unless it was on our post op list, etc. I am 325# now, and really, at 5'10", I will be good at 200lbs. But, this is my last chance This is something I didn't think would happen and now it's here. I don't have as much time to prepare and I don't have control over the whole situation and it scares me . I've known people who har RNY and have done fabulous and some who had nothing but problems. Am I trading one problem for another??
a few questions:

How long were you off work? I have a desk job, so it's not strenuous and I can get up and walk often

what do you wish someone had told you?

whats your must haves post op?

any other advice/tips?


on 10/5/19 6:04 pm
Topic: RE: Reluctant Reviser with VSG>RNY Questions

Please stop taking Zantac, it was just found it can cause cancer.

H.A.L.A B.
on 10/5/19 4:11 pm
Topic: RE: Revision from Gastric bypass to BPD OR BPD/DS

You should ask that question on DS forum.

Revision surgery from RNY to DS is very complicated and there are only a few doctors that can fo that properly without patient getting terrible complication.

DS forum have people who know very well about that.

And as far as I know, BPD is not the same as DS. And the average results are different.

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 10/4/19 7:27 am - Putnam, CT
Revision on 02/04/15
Topic: RE: frustrated

I'm going to ask (please don't be offended) do you have a large belly/apron over hang? If so I would bet anything the pants still fit around you because of that. You've lost a good amount of weight between your original surgery and your revision. Most of us know those darn skin aprons make it difficult to get into the next size down.

Please don't get discouraged and give up. Maybe talk to your surgeon about what can be done to have extra skin removed.

You got this.

Dr. Sanchez Lapband 9/12/2003
hw305/revision w280/cw197/gw150

Revision from Lap Band to Bypass on 2/4/2015 by Dr. Pohl


Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 10/3/19 8:11 am
RNY on 08/05/19
Topic: RE: frustrated

I've found that the more you weigh, the more you need to lose to go down a clothing size.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 10/3/19 5:27 am - Gardner, KS
VSG on 10/15/15
Topic: frustrated


I had revision from sleeve to bypass almost 1 yrs ago. and I am down almost 70 pounds. well last night I was going through my clothes to find pants to wear to work today. I found the pants that I wore the day I had my revision. again, I have lost almost 70 pounds so I was expecting them to not fit and get frustrated and have to change up my outfit for work this morning... NOOOOOOOPE! they still fit. they are looser in the butt and leg area. but after 70 pounds they still fit. WTH?! why?! I feel like anyone else who loses 70 pounds (my sister) would be in 2-3 sizes smaller but nope, guess im not one of those people. why does this happen? I feel like it was all a waste of time and effort at this point! I just want to say F it and not care anymore.


White Dove
on 10/2/19 11:32 am - Warren, OH
Topic: RE: Revision from Gastric bypass to BPD OR BPD/DS

What are you revising from?

I wonder if he means distal gastric bypass? There have been a few people on here through the years that had that done.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

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