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on 11/25/19 5:55 pm - Renton, WA
Topic: RE: Revision - From Gastric Bypass

I wonder why the weight loss with a revision is sliwer, less, and harder. Did anyone ever explain that to you?

Like you, I have to revise (from sleeve) due to consequences of GERD.

Alba Tross
         "Fake it til you make it."
on 11/25/19 5:50 pm - Renton, WA
Topic: RE: Revision-not for the faint of heart.

Thanks for your post. I'm curious to know more about you post revision surgery recovery experience. I have to do a similar thing in Jan (revise from sleeve to RuNY), for health reasons.

How are you doing now?

Alba Tross
         "Fake it til you make it."
(deactivated member)
on 11/20/19 3:05 pm
Topic: RE: Post Revision Feedback...

My ex hubs had a distal RNY for ten years before I met him .

Diabetic- deplorable food choices yet he lost a LOT of weight. For years his severe diabetes was in complete remission till it came roaring back.

He didn't take vitamins .

doesnt to this day I'm pretty sure yet he would be the first one to say WLS changed his life that he recommends it to his 600 lb son and basically everyone.

health is relative . He's a lot happier and less worried than he used to be despite having to stick needles in his stomach every single day .

White Dove
on 11/20/19 2:49 pm - Warren, OH
Topic: RE: Revision-not for the faint of heart.

That is quite a story. I hope you continue to post and let us know how you are doing with this new opportunity to be healthier.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

(deactivated member)
on 11/20/19 1:57 pm
Topic: RE: Revision-not for the faint of heart.

Wow what an eloquent description of the joys and frustrations of essentially primitive and experimental ( but well meaning ) surgery . I so hope your much needed revision gives you everything you want n need (((())))) hugs

on 11/20/19 12:46 am
Topic: Revision-not for the faint of heart.

But neither is living with incapacitating obesity, COPD, Severe GERD on and on ad nauseum (literally). BTW Moderaters, I am an old timer on this site but could not seem to retrieve my password so I guess I am new again.

In more ways than one.

At 17, I was the youngest person on the east coast to have an elective gastroplasty (stapled stomach). I weighed close to 300 pounds and lived in my room like a hermit, refusing school and other normal teenage activities because back then, obesity was not nearly as prolific as now and people who saw me were rarely kind. My psyche gave out after so many years as I know many of you understand.

For those not aware of the way a gastrectomy works, well, it doesn't. It's very temporary, if that and back then, there was no insurance coverage, hence, no requirements. The day I was scheduled the surgeon drew me a picture of my new anatomy. I couldn't have cared less. I had size 7 jeans and boys etc. swimming in my head.

The surgery involves creating a small pouch, a staple line on the alternate side and the big gun--- a stoma or tube the width of the pencil coming from the pouch to the rest of the stomach. To keep this tube from stretching, they clamped a polyurethane band around it. In effect, you could break your staple line, stretch your pouch to the size of a football field but nothing much was getting past that band

The result and the need for future revisions was that people like me could rarely eat high density foods, i.e. beef )protein, turkey or even hi fiber breads, pastas...without risking vomiting. I vomited for the 30 plus years of this and rarely kept down meat. Let me say that disciplined eaters could and are successful eating meat on this stomach but I was 17 when I had it and certainly I did not know much about disciplined eating. Over time people with this OG operation tend to fall into maladaptive eating behaviors, e.g. I can eat a small piece of juicy steak (which I would love pre surgery) or a piece of cake and some mac and cheese (soft, slides right down and guaranteed no discomfort).

This is a known phenomena in the bariatric world and it is why ppl who have regained from their horrible diets are encouraged to do it.

I lost the original weight in a year and lived a normal happy life. kids marriage and throwing up became a way of life. Another interesting thing...alcoholic beverage go down easily as well and if you were a person like me who ate for comfort and numbness...and all of sudden couldn't.....well I will let you imagine the rest.

I never got higher than 220 even after my last kid at 40 so I thought I would handle it. I just never got around to it. For some reason, I refused to revise...I thought it was a cop out of some sort. Plus once was enough. that first operation was brutal. No laparascopics then.

I got sick. I began getting severe GERD and respiratory disease. It got progressively worse. I am on disability now because the copd almost incapacitated me. Weight shot up to 300 which horrified me but I was so sick and depression had kicked in. I was beyond caring. The COPD was somewhat puzzling because I had smoked but quit more than a decade before. Lung doc took x rays showing scarring at the base but he said it wasn't consistent with smoking. we discovered the reflux was the problem. I had been aspirating stomach fluids in microdoses for years.

The GI doc wouldn't do the the fundo thing because it isn't always successful and because of my vomiting issues. So I finally bit the bullet and went to see Dr Fitzer in Reston because he specialized in non surgical procedures. He told me straight up that the only surgery that would solve my reflux is RNY. And hey, he said, losing a hundred or so pounds could increase my life span significantly too.

From that moment on, I was all in. it would take expertise. This was a 38 year old revision and a tube covered in a forest of scar tissue. A hiatal hernia the size of a golf ball and an old tummy tuck reducing working area and vision. history of blood clots and to top it not young. Fortunately, the heart and other vitals were in good shape so he made me lose 20 lbs and get cleared by every doc in the region but 3 weeks ago It happened.

When I woke up from that surgery, I was astonished by the pain and discomfort. Revisions hurt more, recuperation is longer and more painful.

But ive done my research in the last 7 years and weight loss pace depends on a variety of factors. I have lost 40 lbs just from the preop and postop liquid diet.

Here is the truth. Initially, I couldn't seem to drink water without searing gas pain and when I began to nibble, constant diarrhea I am a bit fearful of eating even now and food doesn't taste good. No pain to speak of. L-surgery is amazing. The diarrhea and uncertaintly about food is my only issue. Now, I dream of the days I will shoot hoops with my son and chase my grandkids. My best friend food has to hit the bricks. Happily, I am in recovery, so no boozing either. I personally don't care if weight falls off of me in sheets. I know that each pound I lose is something to be grateful for and will add to the quality and god willing length of my life.

Bless you all. Do not let silly ideas and monkey research influence you.

on 11/15/19 9:37 pm
Revision on 10/16/19
on 11/14/19 2:46 pm
Topic: RE: VSG to RNY weight loss / vitamins

Thanks for the info.

I'm with you on the opiate pain meds. I don't see how anyone could become addicted to them. They just kind of numb me, but make me nauseated for hours. I did extra strength Tylenol when I had my hernia, esophagus and my diaphragm repair. I would rather feel a bit of pain than feel nauseated.

Thanks again!

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 11/14/19 12:02 pm
RNY on 08/05/19
Topic: RE: VSG to RNY weight loss / vitamins

I wouldn't say that I get "deathly sick," but definitely queasy. Without thinking, I tried a bite of my son's chocolate-chip pancake when he offered to share a couple of weeks back, and I had serious stomach cramps after. Not the awful dumping that some folks have-- that doesn't happen to everybody-- but definitely enough that I'll be staying away from sweets.

My portion sizes are definitely smaller than they were right before surgery. My sleeve actually stretched out to close to its original size (I apparently have a connective tissue disorder), so the portions are very similar to what I had soon after VSG.

My surgery was laproscopic, five incisions, no problems with that.

I do think I had more pain with the RNY than the VSG, but take that with a grain of salt; opiate pain meds don't do a damn thing for me. After the first five days or so, I switched to taking tylenol and actually got a lot more relief that way. I had a hernia repair with mesh so that was really sore as well. It sucked, but I made it through, and I think it was worth it to be feeling so much better.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 11/14/19 11:44 am
Topic: RE: VSG to RNY weight loss / vitamins

I'm assuming you haven't tried anything sweet. I've been told it usually makes you deathly ill. I'm dreading the protein shakes myself. I'm also not a milk person either. Are your portion sizes smaller than what you ate with the sleeve? I haven't eaten normal in several years and therefore I'm malnourished and underweight at this point. Practically, everything I eat comes back up.

Were they able to do your RNY laparoscopic? Last question, how was the pain? I really had very little pain with the sleeve and with the hernia repair recently. I don't know why, but for some reason I'm scared to death of having the RNY.

I'm glad you are doing well and not having many problems. I hope that I do as well as you.

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