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on 12/31/19 10:04 am, edited 12/31/19 2:06 am
Topic: RE: Revision Question Roux En Y

Your very welcome. Whatever you do just do not give up. I was going to have my revision to a Distal in California 2 years ago and decided it would not be right for me. I felt so compelled to respond to this because I could never find anything about revision to a RNY other than to convert to a DS or Distal. Well the only way a surgeon would even consider converting a RNY to DS is if your BMI after RNY is over 50. It's a two step process. Much, much more complicated.

The Partial Gastrectomy with Gastrojejunostomy is when they remove the lower portion of stomach or pouch kind of like the Sleeve Gastrectomy only instead of making it banana shaped it's more like a little ball. Your remnant stomach is still there (The part of the stomach cut from pouch that remains in RNY'ers) So basically it's pure restriction. After my surgery RNY in 2005 I had 2 kids gained everything back and some. Got up to 230. I could eat like a normal person without surgery. A whole footlong subway sandwich. That is not normal. If you can eat that way then your pouch was probably made much larger. Also the suchers they were using back then were different. Today they use a stapler that provides better healing and is just better as far as success long term.

One thing I will say is your initial procedure is still working because without it we would have all probably been much larger. Although many gain back it is not as much as you would have without it because of malabsorption.

Oh and when I was in California and started my revision journey I was super sick with nausea and vomiting the surgeon did a barium swallow and found nothing wrong! I was like this is not right. I knew something was wrong. He still wanted to do a Distal. I would have had to do a diet for 6 months in order to get an approval from insurance.

When I came to Texas and seen the surgeon here he was very concerned and set me up for an EGD. That's when he found all my issues hiatal hernia, dumping and he said my pouch was 4 times the size RNY Gastric Bypass pouches are today and no one who's pouch that is created that large will have long term success. The revision was approved the next day because of his findings. So if you feel something is not right don't stop until you find answers. The Bariatric surgeons out here in Texas got it together and know what they are doing.

Good Luck!!!

I'm here if you have any more questions.



on 12/31/19 9:25 am
Topic: RE: Revision Question Roux En Y

Thank you for your response and especially the YouTube video suggestions. I am just beginning my journey after RNY in 2007. Kept the weight off for 6.5 years and then had back surgery......

Heather S.
on 12/30/19 4:59 pm
Topic: RNY to Band Can I Revise?


It has been years since I have been on this site. However, I am searching for help. In 2006 I had RNY and was successful however weight regain slowly occurred and I revised to a band in 2008 and experienced more weight regain.

Does anyone know if I can further revise to sleeve?

Thank You,

on 12/30/19 2:14 am, edited 12/29/19 6:47 pm
Topic: RE: Revision Question Roux En Y

I just had my revision on the 19th. I had RNY in 2005. The procedure is called "Partial Gastrectomy with Gastrojejunostomy".

They would need to perform a EGD to find any complications. I had many frequent nausea and horrible dumping. They confirmed dumping and found a hiatal hernia. I also gained the weight back. Also my stomach was very large compared to RNY surgeries today. The surgeon said the Roux-en-y was still in its early stages so many surgeons made the pouch much larger then. They are seeing many early RNY patients are needing revision.

You can revise a Roux-en-y Gastric Bypass. You need to do your research and weigh the options. The distal approach is a bad choice I recommend a YouTuber "Experiencing Nirvana" She had a Distal and I a few years back I emailed her and she has had pretty harsh effects. Also watch another YouTuber "Dear Bria" Cambria Harris has inspired me from day 1 through my revision journey. She had the Sleeve Gastrectomy nonetheless her story is so personal and will inspire you.

Now, the best option for me was the Partial Gastrectomy with Gastrojejunostomy. I was in more pain than the first procedure but it's worth it. I have already lost 30lbs. Listen to your heart and do what's necessary to get your life back on track.

My surgeon was Dr. Harvinderpal Singh in Tomball, Tx. Also Dr. Matthew St. Laurent also in Tomball, Tx does this type of revision but you would need to have complications with the first procedure.

I want to stress that a revision to a Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass holds a much higher complication rate. Do your research.

Many Blessings,


on 12/27/19 1:18 pm
RNY on 01/30/20
Topic: RE: Revision surgery in Mexico

hi all

today i literally had a meltdown when i passed the mirror..

long story short 2005 lapband lost 70 lbs

2015 sleeved lost only 25 lbs

and gained it all back plus a few more..

considering a resleeve or bypass.. im afraid i will lose to much on bypass. im 5'9 and weigh 240 and bmi 35.9. my goal weight is to be 180 im 51 years young.

is there anyone with this experience and what did you do?

i made appt to start this process again on january 6. 2020


on 12/27/19 6:53 am
Topic: RE: Revision surgery in Mexico

That is concerning because they usually are VERY good at replying. I always spoke with Nina. Here is her email [email protected] or ninaeguiambc at (incase links aren't allowed)

Best of luck to you...they really are the best!

H.A.L.A B.
on 12/23/19 10:08 am
Topic: RE: Advice please... I'm a statistic! :(

I tried "liquid diet" a few time post op. I never lasted more than 2 days. Because the liquids just run though the pouch, the liquids diet of just protein shakes made me feel more hungry than I was anticipating.

But eating mostly dense proteins with some fat (avocado, olives, etc) really worked to "reset m pouch" Even now, when I find myself eating more carbs than I should, going for a week on mostly dense proteins, some non starchy veggies was the key to limit the appetite, the hunger.

Even now, as I am getting ready for holiday dinners, I am limiting carbs. So when I am at my friends house, i could feel real restrictions and eat wisely.

I probably will get a bite of a dessert, but probably only a bite. I plan to bring nuts with me so I can eat them as a dessert.

Many people use the daily posts : "What's on your xxx Menu, RNYers? " on RNY forum as accountability posts, and to get support from others.

Plus - with so many people postings, I always get great ideas for tasty dishes, or snacks, when my own food starts getting boring.

"What's on your Monday Menu, RNYers? " posts - daily posts : "What's on your xxx Menu, RNYers? "

Hala. RNY 5/14/2008; Happy At Goal =HAG

"I can eat or do anything I want to - as long as I am willing to deal with the consequences"

"Failure is not falling down, It is not getting up once you fell... So pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again...."

on 12/19/19 1:23 pm, edited 12/19/19 5:23 am - VA
Topic: RE: Revision-not for the faint of heart.

Congratulations on your sobriety! All of us need to hear the truth that if we have bariatric surgery, we must never take even one drink post-op. I?m planning on having my mini-incision RNY (2012) revised to a bipancreatic diversion without duodenal switch by Dr. Elariny in Vienna VA. I had surgery at 257, lowest weight 130, now 216. I've been sober since August 17, 1986.

View more of my photos at



on 12/19/19 9:14 am
VSG on 03/10/12
Topic: RE: Advice please... I'm a statistic! :(

You are not alone. So I'm 48 and i had VSG in 2012. My highest weight was 335, 5'2". I did great initially, and about 1.5 yrs. later I was down to 220. Also never made it to onderland, but I was happy with how I felt and looked. The weight has creeped up gradually to 270 now, and you sound so much like me. I often find myself taking care of everyone else first, then me. A difficult habit to break, as I sit here typing this, I've put 2 kiddos through college with my husband, taking care of my mother with her ailing health as she lives with us now after my father and nephews death in 2013, and been trying to slowly get back to taking care of me, addressing depression, anxiety, grief, etc. About 3 months ago, I began having crazy symptoms of tightness in esophagus, throat, spasms, etc. This week, I finally found out I have a hiatal hernia and polyp. I have an appointment on Monday with my original surgeon, which I'm dreading a little, because I'm so disappointed in myself and the weight gain. I'm also embarrassed that I dropped all those great habits I had at the beginning a little at a time and allowed things to get this way, but there's nothing we can do about what we did wrong, I've got to get back in the game. Depression and anxiety doesn't help to make you feel overwhelmed and just give up. I'm not trying to make excuses for myself, but what's done is done. I will face the music on Monday. I don't know what the plan will be for me, but know that you are not alone.

on 12/18/19 12:55 pm
Topic: RE: Advice please... I'm a statistic! :(

I'd love to have a diet buddy!! I made a promise to myself that on Jan 1st I am going to back to the Pre-Op Liquid Diet for 2 weeks, then follow the 6 week Post Op Diet as though I'm fresh out of surgery. This should take 12 weeks and my hope is that this will help me get back on track, kick my cravings and help me control portion sizes. I absolutely refuse to continue feeling like a fat, miserable, embarrased and disappointing failure come summer 2020!

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