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on 5/9/20 4:46 pm - Cleveland, TN
Topic: RE: Need info on revision

Hello, I posted my question a long time ago. I haven't been on this site in a very long time. I hope you are doing well. How did your revision go? I'm sorry you had complications.


on 5/6/20 8:18 pm
Topic: VSG Looking for Revision, but Relatively Healthy

Hello everyone!

I'm brand new here and I need some input. I tried searching to see if a similar discussion has already been posted, but didn't find anything. However, if this is a repeat, I apologize.

I had VSG in August of 2016. It was the best decision of my life. I started at 255 lbs. and got down to 145 lbs. In the past year or so, I've gained back some weight...about 20-30 lbs. I know this is not a significant amount by any means, but I'm just looking to prevent further weight gain. I have been tracking everything I eat and trying to eat my protein first, but I cannot seem to lose weight; in fact, I'm gaining weight.

I had GERD before my surgery but have not had it since. I honestly have no real physical health issues (no diabetes, GERD, etc.). I'm 30 years old and looking to potentially have some revision surgery, but I don't know if I would qualify (in terms of surgeon criteria, not insurance criteria) for any revision procedures.

From what I read, people who got revision surgery seem to have had one complication or another. Is if anyone else is in the same boat (ie no complications but seeking revision)? If so, what procedure did you get (or at least consider)? Do you have any recommendations on where to get said procedures done?

Thank you for your help!

on 5/2/20 5:30 am
Topic: RE: RNY to RNY revision

Stomaphyx (stoma fix). It is done under general anesthesia, performed with endoscope. It makes the pouch smaller again with sutures in the stomach. There is also a Rose Procedure, similar to the Stomaphyx. It is nice to meet you as well.

on 5/1/20 10:01 am - Renton, wa
Topic: RE: RNY to RNY revision

Will do! :)

I've never heard of the StomaphyX. I'll have to look into that. They haven't told me how they'll do it. The dietician thinks it's probably just the pouch being made smaller again, and not any more intestinal bypass. Do you know?

It is nice to meet you!

on 5/1/20 8:55 am
Topic: RE: RNY to RNY revision

Hi Amy. Same story here. I just scheduled a consultation for a revision. The surgeon here performs StomaphyX. I would be interested in your progress as well as provide my specifics when I have the appointment.

on 4/24/20 6:37 am - Renton, wa
Topic: RNY to RNY revision

Hello, friends. I had a RNY in Nov 2005 and it held fine for over a decade, but then I returned to school to get bachelors and masters degrees. No regret, but MAN these years have been the most brutal, unrelentingly stressful of my entire life. I'm sure you know where this is going. From 340lbs to 195-205lbs, and now back up again. I'm pursuing a revision, and I'm pretty sure the doctor is going to stick with the RNY. I haven't had a chance to ask a lot of questions. Do they tighten the pouch and bypass more intestine? Curious what others' results have been. My first surgery went well, not a hitch other than some ankle edema.

One big change is I now have lipidema (read: different than lymphedema) and it has led to a lot of health problems that I didn't have when I was larger before. Also, I need to lose some weight by requirement before I can have the revision (I didn't have to before the original). So, this is going to be a uniquely challenging 6 months. Crossing my fingers I get full approval, and that people in my life don't freak out about my decision.

I'm looking forward to hearing from folks about their experiences.

Thank you.


on 4/22/20 3:17 pm
Topic: RE: Time for a revision... but what?

Hello, Just checking in to see how you are doing? Have you been able to get a few questions answered? spoken to your surgeon/nutritionist?

Sparklekitty, Science-Loving Derby Hag
on 3/4/20 7:57 pm
RNY on 08/05/19
Topic: RE: Anyone sleeved and re-sleeved?

Aging with RNY-related issues (generally caused by not following your doctor's recommendations) is WAY better than aging with obesity-related issues.

Sparklekitty / Julie / Nerdy Little Secret (#42)
Roller derby - cycling - triathlon
VSG 2013, RNY conversion 2019 due to GERD. Trendweight here!

on 3/4/20 5:49 pm
RNY on 01/30/20
Topic: RE: Anyone sleeved and re-sleeved?

kool you will do fine!

Ask all the questions you need to and read read and read more and follow all doctors orders and you will do great..

well how much have you lost sw.. gw. cw. ??

on 3/4/20 5:35 pm
RNY on 06/06/19
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