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on 6/10/20 7:47 pm
Topic: Revision to bypass after sleeve

Hi all. I had a VSG over 2 years ago and between pre surgery and after surgery I lost 250 pounds. I was so happy, so healthy, so proud.

Then I got pregnant. The purpose of losing weight was to get healthy enough to have kids. I had to do fertility treatment which caused some weight gain. It was worth it though. Then with pregnancy I gained more. I thought I had a handle on it. Then with post partum depression, gained a bunch more. Then got pregnant again miraculously. More weight gain. More depression more weight gain. I spiraled out of control.

Here I am, 37 years old now with two babies under two and 200 pounds of weight regained.

I am so disgusted with myself. So depressed. So sad.

I am back on track and have lost 40 pounds in the last 5 months but I think I could do better. I talked to my surgeon and am now exploring revision to bypass.

Has anyone had success with this type of revision? I am ready to stay the course this time and use this tool to it's fullest. No more pregnancy in my future :)

on 6/8/20 10:41 am
RNY on 06/03/15
Topic: RE: VSG to BIPASS?

do you mean bypass as in RNY? (we use those names interchangeably). Some people have diarrhea, but the vast majority of us have the opposite problem - constipation! Also, constant nausea? Not sure where you got that. I had it somewhat frequently the first month or so when I was trying to figure out what food I could tolerate, but after that, no. I don't get sick any more frequently now than I did pre-surgery.

or do you mean bypass as in DS? (that surgery is a sleeve stomach plus a fairly largely bypassed small intestine). Diarrhea is more common with DS'ers, but I think it's manageable. I don't know about nausea, but since they have a sleeved stomach, that piece wouldn't be any different than what you have now with VSG.

you need to do some research - spending time on here reading through threads and checking out legitimate medical sites would be your best bet.

(deactivated member)
on 6/8/20 10:09 am
Topic: VSG to BIPASS?

11-12ish years ago I had VSG. Lost over 100 pounds, had a baby, gained it all back over the past 8 years. I'm looking to see what revision would be possible for me. I've heard horror stories about bipass and Side effects like constant diarrhea and nausea. Anyone have thoughts or personal experience? Thank you!

on 5/30/20 1:20 pm
Revision on 10/22/19
Topic: RE: BPD/DS reversal


I am considering reversing my DS as I am having serious diarrhea issues, I am almost 50 pounds below my normal weight and cannot seems to be able to add weight back. I feel that my quality of life has been impacted. I worry about going to the bathroom in public. I can't stand the side effects.
I am looking for guidance on the recovery period. Did the reversal work for you? Did this fix any bathroom or malabsorption issues?

i will appreciate a response.
Thank you kindly


on 5/30/20 1:16 pm
Revision on 10/22/19
Topic: RE: BPD/DS reversal


Have you had your DS reversed. I am considering reversing mine as I am having serious diarrhea issues, I am almost 50 pounds below my normal weight and cannot seems to be able to add weight back.
I am looking for guidance on the recovery period. Did this fix any bathroom or malabsorption issues?

i will appreciate a response.

on 5/29/20 3:33 pm

I had reflux issues prior to my surgery so it was advised that if I went the sleeve route (with was pretty early on) it would potentially get worse, so I went with the RNY. I have heartburn every now and then but it's usually because I ate something RIGHT before bed that was acidic or took meds without enough water. All manageable and usually with Tums. Bypass means that you have some rules to follow (sugars, carbs, fats) otherwise consuming too much of something may make you sick. Everything is manageable, though.

Best of luck!

I have had several friends (unfortunately, not on OH) who have had a revision from VSG to Bypass for that reason and all are pretty happy with the end result.

on 5/28/20 7:22 am
RNY on 07/22/19

I had the revision almost a year ago. I lost about 30 lbs from the revision but still need to lose more. My GERD is completely gone, but I don't feel much restriction. I suppose I do feel restriction, but it's nothing like the restriction the sleeve gave me.

on 5/27/20 2:05 pm - WI

I'm a rule follower. If you follow the rules of not drinking with meals, eating protein first and then veggies if you have room, limiting carby foods like bread, pasta, sugary food, potatoes. etc. you will succeed. I also drink a minimum of 120 ounces of fluid daily.

HW 270 SW 236 GW 160 CW 145 (15 pounds below goal!)

VBG Aug. 7, 1986, Revised to RNY Nov. 18, 2010

on 5/27/20 7:13 am
Topic: RE: Food log and revision questions *plz be nice*

Kay did you get your revision? If so, how are you doing? I am just getting back on these message boards because after 16 years I have regained over 100#. I know my current insurance will not pay for the revision because of exclusions. I am thinking Mexico too but just not sure.

on 5/27/20 7:04 am
Topic: RE: RNY to RNY revision

I am in the same boat...RNY in 2004...great success with 170 loss and now over 100 regain 16 years later. My new job/insurance won't pay for anything to do with Gastric Bypass so I will have to go the cash route...which is NOT doable. Dying inside because of the shame of the regain.

Good luck with your revision and praying you get the approval.

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