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White Dove
on 1/10/21 9:38 pm, edited 1/10/21 1:39 pm - Warren, OH

To attempt to attempt to have surgery covered for rashes, you need to have pictures of the rashes, records of the doctor visits for it, and records of the medicines that were prescribed for it.

Whether a revision is covered depends on your insurance policy. It is usually because something in the surgery has failed to help you to lose weight. A doctor would have to work with you on that.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 1/10/21 5:03 pm
Revision on 11/05/20
Topic: RE: Revision Options - RNY 2007

Joined WW digital this morning; I really reinstated my old membership...which is good because it showed me past weigh-ins, +/-, etc. I am starting 15 lbs less than my last weigh-in so that is strengthening my resolve ?. I feel more in control tracking. Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom and experience.

on 1/10/21 11:57 am

I had surgery March 2020 and I ended up pregnant I'm currently 5 months pregnant before I got pregnant I was getting bad rashes from the weight loss and I still am I wana know I have stay well I'm in Tampa Florida and I wana know if anyone knows if they cover a revision or if I'm able to get the cosmetic extra skin removal surgery from getting rashes since it would be consireded a medical issue ?

White Dove
on 1/10/21 8:52 am - Warren, OH
Topic: RE: Revision Options - RNY 2007

A Weigh****cher point is approximately 50 calories. So for me I lose one pound a week on 16 points a day which is about 800 calories. When I get on a plan with more points I quit losing.

A woman needs 10 calories a day to maintain one pound of weight. So for me to maintain 136 which is my goal, I need 1360 calories a day. I round it up to 1400. That means I maintain on 28 points per day. To lose one pound a week, I eliminate 3,500 calories. That is 500 per day or 10 points less per day. So I would lose a pound a week on 18 points. I make it 16 points and use the free foods. If I did count free foods, it would be 18 points a day.

I joined Weigh****chers and became a lifetime member in 1973. So I have been through many programs and really understand how they all work. My large weight gain was the result of going on insulin for diabetes. The weight loss surgery was an attempt to put the diabetes in remission. I was up to 176 when the doctor suggested surgery. I wanted to do it on my own and ended up at 208 before I gave in and got the surgery.

I started regain at 30 months out. I was 142 when I went back to Weigh****chers. It is the only plan where I have been able to lose weight and never feel deprived of any food. If I really wanted to I would eat cookies or brownies all day as long as it did not exceed 18 points. I never did that but feel free to know that I could do it and still lose weight.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 1/10/21 6:55 am
Revision on 11/05/20
Topic: RE: Revision Options - RNY 2007

Thank you! I'm in NJ and with lockdowns, live meetings are pretty impossible. Do you follow WW to a T? you eat all daily points or do you eat less? I understand the WW route, because with low carb/high protein, a lot of calories are being consumed...unless protein drinks/bars are used. That's not realistic. I am taking your advice; I am starting WW today. I need control.

Thank you for accepting my friend request! I'll keep you posted on my success, and I'm looking forward to reading your posts ?

on 1/10/21 6:42 am
Revision on 11/05/20
Topic: RE: Tips and/or Tricks on how to survive the post-op liquid diet after bypass revision...anyone? HELP!

I am in the same boat. RNY revision (tightened stoma; pouch had not stretched out) on 11/5/20. I lost 20 lbs from my 1st office visit for the revision; 10 lbs prior to revision and 10 in the one month following revision. I have not lost one pound since; in fact, I'm up 3-4 lbs. I have virtually no restriction, no dumping. I am getting in all my fluids, I am trying to be compliant...protein, veggies, carbs. I try low carb, should I try WW? This mixing up of diet plans is not working. I am considering going back to liquids only. I have a follow up appointment with my surgeon in one month and I want to have lost at least some weight...certainly not to have gained! Now, I have not been 100%; obviously. I have gone off the rails...few a day or two, but not enough to have this negative effect. To day is a new day; I am starting anew again. I'm sorry you're having a tough time too, but at least I know I'm not crazy and this sloooowww/limited loss is a real thing and I'm not the only one ?

White Dove
on 1/9/21 4:09 pm - Warren, OH
Topic: RE: Revision Options - RNY 2007

I strongly suggest Weigh****chers. Go to Live meetings if possible.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends

on 1/9/21 3:00 pm
Revision on 11/05/20
Topic: RE: Revision Options - RNY 2007

Hi...I had RNY in 2005 and lost 75 lbs; this past year I really began packing in the weight and put in 35 pounds. WW helped me lose about 12 lbs. I had a revision (stoma was stretched out and the dr tightened it) and my gallbladder removed at the same time (11/7). I feel wonderful, and have lost 20 lbs from my initial revision appointment...due to the liquids only phase, I'm sure. That being said...the honeymoon phase (18 mo) of the original RNY is past; the revision is just restriction...and I'm not that restricted. I've realized I must work this...if I don't I will gain again and again. No free/easy ride. If I didn't need to have the gallbladder removed, looking back, I don't see any benefit (truly) if the revision surgery. I am motivated and now my decision is whether to go low carb (as Bariatric nutritionist in dr's office re on ends...for all Bariatric patients) or go back to the WW plan as after all these years, my body has adapted to my see small pouch (my pouch hadn't gotten larger). So....I'm not sure what road to take at this point; I had expected to have lost a greater amount than 20 lbs in the past 2 months, but I've not been strictly following any what else should I have expected? Oh well...I'm back on track (if I can figure out the right track)...wish me luck! I'm wishing all who are having revision surgery much success...truly. Just get on track.

on 1/8/21 9:16 am - VA
Topic: RE: Revision-not for the faint of heart.

My honest answer is that I don't know! The surgeon who did my revision (10/22/2020) explained it but I'm not 100% clear on how to explain it myself. I've lost 41 pounds in 2 1/2 months and I feel like I got my life back. I'm at 181 now. It's been a tough couple of months. I can eat absolutely no carbs. I pretty much eat protein only. Fatty foods go right through me if you get my drift. Food has been my lifelong numbing drug of choice so I'm struggling without my crutch. I'm working on getting active because I've been so sedentary for so long.

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Melinda P.
on 1/8/21 5:55 am - Scottsdale, AZ
Topic: RE: Revision-not for the faint of heart.


I'm curious. Why are you deciding to only do the biliopancretic portion and not the full DS?

Have you had your revision already? How are you doing?

Thank you for sharing

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