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Hi deenewme and thank you! First of all, congratulations on your upcoming revision! If you are willing to share, may I ask what surgery you have prior and what you are having done? I will look further on other social medial outlets and see what more I can find. I did go see my bariatric surgeon this past week because I have been having problems for several years (epigastric pain) and several doctors have no idea why... So, when I went to the doctor this week he is sending me for a CAT scan and I am having another endoscopy. While I was there I asked him about revision options and unfortunately, my BMI is too low (I am like 8 pounds away from meeting the BMI criteria) - Really! That said, when I was there I was very inspired. There were so many people starting their journey for the first time and I found myself excited for them (and if I am totally honest, I was also jealous). All that said. Once my tests are over and we rule out a hernia I will likely look into their non-surgical weight loss program that they offer. Good luck to you and please keep us posted on your journey!
Thank you White Dove, I agree. I 100% know that movement is key to my weight loss (of course my eating as well). But, I have gone from being super active (15,000 steps a day) to total sedentary lifestyle (barely 1,000 steps a day). There are several reasons for this... and I am working on getting back to a more realistic activity for which I can maintain. All that said, I have also found that at my age things have really changed and I pretty much have to live on liquid and exercise if I want to lose a pound. I am working with a bariatric dietician who is helping me with setting realistic goals and food choices... I highly recommend this sort of assistance, but for me, it is a lot of out of pocket costs. In the meantime, I will attempt to at least look into revision possibilities. I will keep folks posted on all outcomes because I feel there is not enough out there. Thanks again!
I will be setting sail on June 30. My gastric bypass was in 2010 and now I am set to do a revision. I sort of felt the same about the forum let me not many people come back and discuss things. But I find the blog to be a journey or an outlet for myself. I do have to say that I have found several individuals and interact with them on Instagram. This seems to be helpful to me. There's even a little videos, so it makes it feel More realistic than just writing.
As you have noted, people do not come back and post after their revisions. That is because they lose about 20 pounds and are disappointed. People believe that a revision is going to be like a virgin weight loss surgery, where they will lose 100 pounds over the next year. When they realize that the 20 pounds is the result, they stop posting. Whatever you are doing, it is still too many calories. The only way to lose weight is to eat less than you burn.
Carnie Wilson was one star who made her revision public. She lost 20 pounds from her lapband over RNY revision, but wrote that she had to really watch her diet to keep from gaining the weight back.
Most revisions to RNY involve making the pouch and stoma smaller. It is extremely easy to stretch those back out. There are revisions to the intestines that can have life-changing side effects. Make sure you find out what is being done and what side effects to expect.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
What is distilization? I went from 398 to 250 stayed there for 12 yrs. lost my job 2 yes ago after working for 42 yes. I am 62 n working on a revision. Lost 30 so far after gaining 70 the last 2 yes.
Hi! Thanks for reading my post. I am looking for encouragement and feedback from those who may be in the same boat. I appreciate all responses, but I am not looking for dieting or what to eat or not eat advice. Unfortunately, I know what to do, but don't always do it (although I have been getting better), I also read the statistics and I know what revision stats are... That said, I will try to make this short and sweet.
In 2007 I had RNY and lost 122 pounds. Kept it off until 2018. Several events have occurred in my life and I have fallen off the wagon. When the pandemi****urred and my physical activity ceased, I essentially "blew up the scale". I have gained 69 pounds! Thankfully, I have stopped gaining. I have been working with an amazing bariatric dietician via phone sessions (she is on the west coast and I am on the east coast). So that has been going great. However, I cannot seem to lose this weight. I have been the same weight for a year so I am hopeful I am on the right track. I am in my late 40's and without extensive exercise (even if I restrict my eating) I tend to stay the same weight (fluctuate with 5 pounds).
Now that I said all that. I have just recently started thinking about a revision, AKA my second chance. Is there anyone out there who has had or is going through a revision procedure after RNY? Or do you know of any public figures (or social media influencers) who have shared their journey? I am looking for the journey process (and outcome) of anyone else who was fortunate enough to get a second chance. From my research, not many people have come back to share or post on these forums. If they have, I have not seen it. So thank you for reading this and thank you for any response you wish to provide.
I agree with Erin, obesity is a widespread problem around the globe and the necessity of being fit today is the dream of many people. My mother herself had problems with overweight in the past, and decided to have a surgery at the local hospital. She went through all the testings for more than a month and after that, she was ready to be operated. Luckily she had insured at "5 million dollar life insurance policy" which covered the cost of the intervention and reabilitation period. Now she lives a happy life of being fit and does not have any problems when looking at herself in the mirror.
RNY results in approximate 100 pound weight loss after approximately one year. Typical regain is approximately 20 pounds in year three after surgery.
Fifty percent regain at least half of their weight lost by year five. Many regain 100% of the lost weight by year ten.
Revision typically results in a 20 pound loss. The only way to lose the weight and maintain the loss is following a diet where you do not take in more calories than your body burns.
Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Toya, I am in the same boat you are in! Although you did better than me. I am looking for similar answers, as I have not had revision yet but thinking bout it. Here is what I have:
-1st surgery/yr : RNY/2007
- pre-op weight: 282
-lowest weight post-op: 160 and very happy.
-set point weight (longest held weight prior to regain) Stayed there until 2018.
- revision (procedure name)/date: NONE YET but thinking about it.
Current weight: 220
Considering: Revision but not sure which one.
Thanks for your post Toya.
I need hard fast stats to assist in my decision-making.
RNYers (as initial procedure) pls help me, answer this...
-1st surgery/yr
- pre-op weight
-lowest weight post-op
-set point weight (longest held weight prior to regain)
- revision (procedure name)/date
- pre-op weight
-post op weight
I'll go first
*pre-op: 280
*lowest post-op: 146 (8/2009)
*setpoint: 175 (1-2yrs w/ little effort, I liked working out tho)
*2013 steady weight increase /current 235-240
(No revision stats yet, this is where your experiences help me, especially post revision stats) HIT ME!