Revision after 14 months!
I'm only 14 months out and my GI specialist is recommening a revision. I had open RNY in 2-05 and I've lost well below goal. I'm currently down to 104 since for the last 8 weeks I've thrown up everything I eat most of the time. I have had an EGD every 2 weeks for the last 8 weeks and I get a little relief for a couple of days after that and then it closes back up and I go back to throwing up everything that goes in my mouth. He said I have a huge ulcer and now a fistula into my old stomach. Plus the scarring at the staple line is getting bad. I see my surgeon on the 24th to see what she says. I have a cat scan on Monday. I'm so sick of being sick all the time. THe entire first year was so uneventful. I didn't have any problems. Now, wham....problem after problem after problem. Anybody else go through this so soon out?
Open RNY 2-3-05 Distal
232/104/125 Below goal