Would I be a Candidate for Revision?

on 3/29/05 8:28 pm - Southwest, OH
I had my GBS back in Dec., 1987. Was a HUGE (no pun intended) success! I went from 364 to 128. People told me I was TOO skinny! (I was, but talk about music to my ears!) But I had physical problems. A couple of months after surgery my job moved me to CA. I ended up in the hospital several times. This sounds stupid, but I was never told exactly why. I would have terrible stomach pains. They would admit me and stick me on an NG tube to suck goop out of me. One doctor used the term "twisted bowel", I think. During one episode, doctor told my friend that I almost had gangrene and could have died. In 1990 job took me back to home state where surgery took place. Had another episode and was seen by original surgeon. I vaguely remember him having me sign papers. They "reversed" surgery, I guess. Again, I can't remember anyone giving me details! Still, I was okay. I gained about 8-10 lbs so I actually looked healthier. Maintained this weight. Got married to friend (see above hospital visit), got pregnant. Put on bedrest at 2 months. (Nothing to do with surgery---incompetent cervix--isn't that a man term?) Husband didn't cook---lived on fast food for eight months. And ice cream. Oddly enough, I was horribly lactose intolerant after surgery, but once pregnant, craved the cold stuff! After birth of son, weighed 170+. (Know it was only 30 lbs, but felt like 300!) Started horrendous struggle to lose. In the meantime, personal lives of self and husband were falling apart--won't bore with details---fell back into old habits of fear/stress/anger = eating = comfort. Kept gaining weight. Last year started to see someone, learned a lot about self and turning to food for comfort. Have stopped gaining weight, holding steady at 232. But cannot lose. Am in despair! I hate the way I feel, I hate the way I look. Hate not being as active with son as I would like. Miss hiking and kayaking and skiing. Worry about what weight is doing to health. (Not getting any younger!) Original surgeon has passed away years ago (he was in his late 60's when he did surgery) so have no idea where records could have ended up. Partner evidently no longer in area. (At least not in phone book) How do you find out if you are candidate for revision? How do you find surgeon who does revision? Is it true revision is more dangerous than original surgery? I need to get all my ducks in row, my husband will go nuts if I broach possibility of surgery to him. He is sure it will kill me. But I am so tired of being fat again after having had a few years of being healthy and active and attractive and socially acceptable. I fell like I had hold of the golden ring and I dropped it. I feel like such a failure. I just want to live my life to the best extent, and how can I dragging 100+ extra pounds behind me? Thanks for listening!
Bev A.
on 4/4/05 4:48 am - Northern Tier, PA
I also had gastroplasty done in 1982. I did really great for 5 to 7 years and then I noticed I was beginning to gain some weight. Try as I might, I couldn't lose it. Now I am where I was before original surgery. I finally decided to check about having it redone. I started this journey on 2/24/05 and have found out that my old staple line ruptured and I didn't know it. I do remember haveing some pain but thought it was because of something I ate or didn't chew good enough. Dummy me!!!!!!! Anyway, they found this out when they did the upper GI. I was about 15 + years ago that it happened. I go on Wed. for an endoscopy to see just what is what now. I will be having a revision, RNY open, done after the insurance approves it and if it is possible to do, which the doctor said it would be. I would check with you doctor about a revision to see what he says about it. Good luck and if you want szomething bad enough, go for it. My hubby is supportive of my wishes, again. Bless his heart! Keep in touch, Bev
on 4/4/05 10:56 pm - Southwest, OH
Bev, best of luck on Wednesday. I just wish I could get my doctor's office to return my call for an appointment! :^( I hope you post or e-mail me and let me know how things go. Nice to share thoughts and info with someone traveling the same path. Darlene
Melissa D.
on 4/5/05 3:12 am - Mays Landing, NJ
Hi Darlene - My hubby and I had GBS last April and May. In fact today is his anniversary! I've done very well, but hubby has stopped losing after about 80 lbs. He had another 80 (at least) to go. Our surgeon does revisions but only when he absolutely has to he says. However, if this were the case for hubby - I wouldn't hesitate to have our surgeon handle it. How about checking into any surgical wt loss centers in your area. Most surgeons who do the surgery, now do the revisions also. If they didn't I don't think I'd choose them to begin with. Lets face it - if something goes wrong in the beginning, they would be the one fixing it anyway, right? As soon as you get a doc appt with you PCP - tell him you want a referal to someone he knows and trusts. Then call that office and get names and references of patients he's done. Weither they had the GBS &/or a revision - at least you'll get references. Attend local GBS support group meetings in your area. There is uaually a wealth of information to be gained regarding doctors who patients attend the meetings. In my area, many patients from lots of different doctors attend the meetings. Our meetings in two different towns are open to ALL pre-and post GBS patients. WE have a check up today with surgeon - wish us luck. I'm going to as some hard ????'s as to why DH is not losing. He's doing all the right things except working out as much as he should - however there are physical problems the prevent him from doing just that. I'm wondering if he doesn't need an upper GI to see if the staple line is in place. Wishing you best of luck. Melissa
on 4/8/05 10:29 am - lithonia, GA
hi I know what you are going thru, I feel your pain, I had vbg done in 2000 then started gaining back weight in 2005, I just want to feel better again, so I got approve for my Revisions, my schedule date is on April 15, 2005, my doctor name is Dr. clarence hixons, please feel free to write to me I will help you as much as I can.
on 4/12/05 2:23 am - Las Cruces, NM
Hi, Darlene: I had an RNY in August of 2001. I lost about 75 lbs, and quit losing. A couple of years later, I started gaining again (about 30 lbs). I began researching revision. In September 2004, I flew to LA and Dr. Peter Crookes revised my RNY to a DS. I've lost an additional 5 lbs, and couldn't be happier. My insurance covered both surgeries. In addition to Dr. Crookes, there are several surgeons in California who do revisions. Hope this helps. Dale
on 5/16/05 4:22 am - Mobile, AL
Don't know about revisions, but if you know the date and the hospital where you had your procedure, there will be an operative report in your medical record that your surgeon dictated telling exactly what he did. This is done for all surgeries. Then you could find out exactly what your doc found when he went in, and if your surgery was reversed or not.
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