Revision 08/24/04 Scared to Death!

Keisha L.
on 9/16/04 2:41 pm - Duncanville, TX
I had the VGB in 06/04/2001 and went from 267 to 178. Within the last year I got back up to 219. My original surgeon was NOT helpful when I went to him for help. Through TONS of research, I found a doctor in my area who performs revisions. She's great! Only thing, I've been reading postings about people who've had revisions who STILL have problems with weight gain. How do I know if I had a Proximal bypass or Distal bypass (and what's the difference). Who can tell me what a stoma is? Since my revision I've lost 27 lbs, but I haven't lost ANY weight in two weeks. Help!
Ali M
on 9/18/04 10:09 am - S.E., TX
I was revised from VBG to RNY two years ago and so far have not had any regain. Proximal is less bypassed, Distal is more. You can ask your doc or you can get your OR report. Some people will say 150 cm or less is proximal, anything over 150 is distal, but these are really just guidelines. The stoma is the opening created in the new pouch where the intestines are connected. Your weight loss is really great, you are less than a month out and have lost almost 30 pounds - average is a pound a day it looks like. Pretty good. To me I was so happy just to get the revision and have my weight going back DOWN instead of UP, I didn't even focus on the numbers until I was almost to goal. You are doing great, keep up the good work! Ali
on 9/21/04 1:03 pm
I just have to ask you ... how did you deal with losing so much weight and then slowly gaining it back with the SLD? I'm going through the same things (I just posted on the main board about this) and part of me feels like the failure and part of me is reconciled to the fact that the SLD makes it as though I've never had the surgery and so I'm facing the same demons I did pre-op. Someone told me that after losing weight, changing your lifestyle, exercising, etc. that there's no way you'll want to do anything that is unhealthy to your body. Part of me understands that reasoning but the other part of me realizes that if that had been all I needed to do I would have never needed surgery in the first place. How did you come to terms with it all? Did you blame yourself at all or did you recognize that you didn't have the tool you bargained for when you originally had the surgery? I'm getting close to the revision stage myself and I can't imagine if I have another "failure" like this one has been! Thanks! DeeDee
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