Finally accepted for revision

Melanie H.
on 8/19/04 11:56 am - London, Canada
I had a VBG in 1980. I lost 60 pounds and gained it back with many more. Back in 1980 there was no education on what had to be done after surgery. In fact I only learned about the surgery because I needed my gallbladder taken out and the Dr. said he wanted to do a surgery to help me lose weight. That is what I knew. Nothing more. Well like so many of those surgeries that one failed on me but I thought I failed. Now 24 years later I am seeking a revision. I live in Ontario Canada and the waiting period here is 8 years. I have been OK's to have my surgery out of the country. Yesterday I was finally accepted by my surgeon for a revision. I have Dr. Genaw and he is very careful who he accepts for a revision because of the increased mortality rate. He said of all he has reviewed mine will be the best one to do. Now my question is this. What is the difference between the distal and proximal RNY? I want to know everything I can before my next appt. Help please.. Thanks everyone. Melanie
Sandy H.
on 8/20/04 1:31 am - Tuscaloosa, AL
Congrats!! First let me say I didnt know this forum for revisioin existed. So glad to find it. Had a VBG in 97 and lost the same 60 you did. Then had an surprise pregnancy and of course now I have gained all back. I am sure my VBG has completely failed. I had a pretty upsetting phone call when I called my original surgeon back about it. I asked them if I could get an apt. that my surgury had obviously failed and I wanted to talk to them about a revision and they told me basically it was my fault!! That I must have done somthing wrong! What an idiot!! They said I hadnt used my "tool" right. What a moron. Youd think this dr would get on the wagon and look at the bucks he could make doing the revisions. OH WELL DONT WANT AN IDIOT WORKING ON ME AGAIN. So I called them back when I found another surgeon in Atlanta that speciialized in the revisions and told them they could take their "tool" and *#*!!*!! Best wishes, SandyH
Melanie H.
on 8/20/04 1:46 am - London, Canada
Sandy consider yourself lucky. My surgeon doesn't exist any more. I had to get my records from the hospital and my new surgeon told me what I had had done. I also got pregnant after my VBG. Back when I had mine they didn't teach you anything before the surgery. I feel I am much more knowledgable today about what to expect and that it is a tool not a magic surgery. Good luck to you in our journey. Melanie
on 7/29/09 12:00 pm - Atlanta, GA
Who did you see in Atlanta? I am looking for a surgeon in Atlanta and have Tricare Prime Insurance...
Wings In Waiting
on 8/20/04 3:31 am - Transplanted, MI
Melanie We must be related. LOL not necessarily in a good way. I too had the procedure done back in 1980. Lost 100 pounds in 5 months..then got pregnant.......EVEN ON BIRTH CONTROL! Gained 35 pounds during pregnancy. Lost 50 within 2 weeks of delivery. Never peed so much in my life. My baby was 6 months old and I was 3 months pregnant again! Yes, again on birth control and nursing. (Did I mention I was a rabbit then?) In that pregnancy I gained 50 pounds. Only lost 30 after delivery. After three more pregnancies and lots of attempts..I have lost another 100 in 20 years. BIG woop! Still have about 150 to go. Need a revision but have to be very careful of what procedure is done due to other medical conditions. I wish you the very best in this...just be very careful if you have any other medical conditions that may be worsened by the malabsortion issues. And knoow that if you have any form of arthritis that you will most likely NOT be able to take meds other than narcotics for that arthritis pain if you have the RNY distal or proximal. Keep us posted. Marsha
(deactivated member)
on 8/20/04 11:25 am, edited 1/25/12 1:33 am

on 9/7/04 1:30 am - Alexandria, VA
Dear M H, Your story reads like me. I had the VBG in 1985; loss a ton of weight and Walla - gained it ALL back and then some! There weren't alot of WLS choices then and follow up was non existent. I had my DS last December and I am doing great! Its been 9 months and I am down 141lbs as of this morning! I am thrilled. I can eat whatever, in smaller amounts and the weight seems to be coming off effortlessly! I don't have a lot of "gas Issues" as some do but as I always say "my **it stinks - and so does everyone elses!". I researched and researched before deciding on the DS and it was a no brainer! It is by far the more superior of all WLS and if there were more skilled surgeons out there that performed it and if the insurance companies would stop using the lame excuse that it is "expermintal and investigational" then more people would be having this done. Of course a surgeon that does not perform this is not going to market or promote it! its too bad because I woulldn't want anyone to have to go through surgery a 2nd or 3rd time before they "get it right". Just my comment. But yes we need to get the word out there! Lyric
star .
on 8/21/04 8:10 pm - OK
The difference betwen a distal and proximal is the amount of intestines bypassed. Distal is 'more'. Pick the distal; or the closes to distal for greater weight loss.
(deactivated member)
on 8/23/04 11:02 pm - SD
Congrats on being accepted for a revision. Vonnie
Lisa S.
on 8/30/04 4:32 am - Shelby, NC
Reading your post and the replies I feel some comfort from my misery. I had VBG in 2000, lost 60#, now I am back to almost my highest weight. I have been approved for insurance coverage for a RNY (has to be open due to past open VBG) with a surgeon who has great reputation and success rates. Now my surgeon says that even though he has done revisions in the past, he is dealing with them not wanting to cover him for malpractice with the revisions now. So I am on hold, just waiting. What do you know about the success of the RNY long term? My doctor speaks hopeful that I can have more successful loss. Lisa
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