
on 7/5/04 6:23 pm - Powell, OH
It's four AM. I have been up for the last hour and a half, tossing and turning because I can't decide what to do, and I really need some advice. Or at least someone who understands where I am coming from. I have spent a long time researching wls. I have decided that it is right for me, and my heart literally began to fly when I made the decision. So many doors that seemed to be closed, will become open to me again if I have this surgery. Better yet, I am young and I can still get my life back, and I won't have the fear of turning out like my parents and my grandparents. I guess my problem then is this. I have only told one person, my best friend, about the surgery, and after a few hesitancies she was very supportive. But I know my family will be a different story. My parents are both overweight. My mom would love to have the surgery, and she has said many many times that our insurance doesn't cover it, otherwise she would. But there is one big difference between my mother and myself. She has never really tried to diet. She isn't willing to change her lifestyle at all. She rarely exercises. I do all those things. I have been on weigh****chers for over a year. I worked out regularly, I was active, and I have never lost weight. I lose and gain and my weight has never been stable, but I am more than ready to change my lifestyle. In fact I love eating healthy, and I love to work out, but because of my sore knee and my weight, I can't do either anymore, and it is counterproductive. I workout and I get injured and I become less active, and thus gain more weight. And then I get upset about my weight, and figure if I can't lose weight while on a "diet" why eat healthy. And this is the cycle. Over and over and over again. But back to my main point. Now I am stuck. I know I want to do this. But I am still under my parents health insurance right now. And my mom insists that her insurance doesn't cover it. But I have been doing research and I know that United HealthCare does cover it for certain reasons. I have also realized that for many people, it just takes the effort. And an appeal. So I am wondering if she just saw a written exclusion somewhere and gave up. That is very like her. ON the other hand I will only be on this insurance plan for another two months. Then I will be able to get COBRA, on my own, or take the insurance of my new employer as of September. But my new insurance might be nationwide, who is horrible about covering the surgery. I am afraid that if I wait too long, if I don't act now, that I will miss my chance, and get stuck with an insurance company that won't pay. But I am afraid that if I begin the process now, with United Health Care or Seven Corners, I won't get approved because they know my coverage is almost up. And because of this dilemma I don't know what to do next. I feel like I am paralyzed. I am scared to call my pcp. I am afraid to schedule the consultation because I don't know what insurance to use. I am afraid most of all that now, that I have decided this is right for me, no matter what I do, it just won't happen. I am so afraid if failure and rejection, that it is almost easier to sit here and watch everyone else go through the process. I guess I just need someone to help restore my confidence. To give advice about working with insurance, my situation, talking to family. I want to do whatever it takes to get the surgery, but right now, I feel overwhelmed. And it feels useless even trying. Melissa
Tajuana R.
on 7/6/04 6:48 am - Riverdale, MD
Melissa Go for it. Apply with United Healthcare and it they turn you down just try with your new insurance. Don't stop keep going press your self to the max. If united Healthcare won't pay for the surgery maybe they will pay for some of the tests. Get you life back. We have to get rid of that giving up spirit I feel you because I have it too and it is a constant battle with me so fight it. Remember: NOTHING BEATS A FAILURE BE A TRY
on 7/7/04 8:42 am - '278/226/ Ellis, TX
I also say go for it. Why waste any time. You never know. Plus if you are going to take cobra just tell them that when the time comes or they ask. God Bless Carmalla
on 7/9/04 5:33 am - Howell, MI
I think you should go for it! You don't need the contract holder's permission to utilize your insurance. Make sure you research all of the surgery types before deciding on a specific surgery.
(deactivated member)
on 1/22/09 7:02 pm, edited 1/22/09 7:03 pm - Togo


Live in the moment.

What you have in front of you right now, work with.

Take care of today, today.

Take care of tomorrow, tomorrow.

on 1/22/09 11:00 pm
One thing -- they may tell you you need a 6 month medically supervised diet.  When I had my surgery in '03 I had UHC and they approved it with my assertion to my PCP that I'd tried many diets and had been on Jenny Craig for 6 months.  I think that if you can prove to your PCP that you've been on Weigh****chers (and I'm sure you have the documentation on that) then you should be able to use that to satisfy the 6 month diet.  That might get you in before September.

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