Revision providers in Buffalo NY?
Its been a while! Hi all. I was once over 500 lbs. (406 at surgery****pt it all off for 7 years, had a baby, gaibed 98lbs with her, lost 81 of it and stayed there for years. 5years ago my ex fiancee started hitting me. I turned to food. We had 3 uears 9f court, very stressful, I turned to more food. Domestic violence court ended, Nd 2 weeks later....Covid Lockdoen, of course I turned to food. I am also in non stop 7-8 pain when doing anythibg orher than latmying down due to needint both knees replaced. They want me to lose 80 50 pounfs to have knees done. I feel hopeless. Due to my abuser, I was *not allowed* to go to dr appts, I have not seen my surgeon in over 11 years. I feel so ashamed. I can barely walk. I am using a walker or my trusty ski poles. I hate this. I want revisio SO BAD. Where do I start? I now have a 9 yr old daughter and I want her to know happy mom, mom who loved hiking and hoola hooping, not sad couxh mom.Any suggestions for a surgeon in Buffalo, or nearby who will do ANY kind of revision?
The miracle of RNY weight loss lasts approximately 18 to 30 months. After that honeymoon stage, the rebound starts. Having a baby or being in an abusive relationship does not cause the regain. That is the body recovering from the forced starvation of the initial malabsorption. Hunger increases as the body tries to get back what was lost. Your intestines begin to absorb calories again.
Even if everything in life is going perfect, we gain back 20 pounds by the end of year three and often about 50 pounds by the end of year five. I have had regain several times and lost it again with careful counting of calories. There is nothing to be embarrassed about. Most of the revisions for RNY result in about a 20 pound weight loss. Going to a DS procedure can result in more and longer lasting loss, but also has more risk of complications.
Your first step is seeing a surgeon and getting information about what they recommend. Do not settle for any kind of revision. Research and chose what will work best for you.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Dr Butsch at Buffalo General's Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery is scheduled to do a revision on me due to excessive reflux from the gastric sleeve. Back in 2008 I got a lap band. It prolapsed and was removed in 2016 and I was given a gastric sleeve. Now my sleeve will be converted to a bypass and hopefully help my diabetes and reflux.