Tips and/or Tricks on how to survive the post-op liquid diet after bypass revision...anyone?...

on 12/15/20 1:26 pm
Revision on 11/02/20

I am 7 weeks revision to RNY from sleeve. I am so glad I saw this because I was wondering why I can eat so much no restriction!! I do not have dumping syndrome and I've literally only lost 10 pounds in a month. What's the deal?! I have stuck to the diet 100%

on 12/17/20 10:44 am
RNY on 06/03/15

I have a virgin RNY, so not quite the same - but - not all RNY'ers dump. The statistic that gets thrown around here a lot which sounds pretty realistic to me (based on my 6-ish years of hanging around on this site) is that about 30% of us dump. Which means 70% of us don't...

also, you never lose as much weight - or as quickly - with revisions as you do with virgin surgeries. But as long as your weight is gradually trending downward, you're good.

on 1/10/21 6:42 am
Revision on 11/05/20

I am in the same boat. RNY revision (tightened stoma; pouch had not stretched out) on 11/5/20. I lost 20 lbs from my 1st office visit for the revision; 10 lbs prior to revision and 10 in the one month following revision. I have not lost one pound since; in fact, I'm up 3-4 lbs. I have virtually no restriction, no dumping. I am getting in all my fluids, I am trying to be compliant...protein, veggies, carbs. I try low carb, should I try WW? This mixing up of diet plans is not working. I am considering going back to liquids only. I have a follow up appointment with my surgeon in one month and I want to have lost at least some weight...certainly not to have gained! Now, I have not been 100%; obviously. I have gone off the rails...few a day or two, but not enough to have this negative effect. To day is a new day; I am starting anew again. I'm sorry you're having a tough time too, but at least I know I'm not crazy and this sloooowww/limited loss is a real thing and I'm not the only one ?

on 2/4/21 10:01 pm

The only way you know you can eat so much is because you have been eating so much.

Sometimes you can't feel what's happening with your pouch is because surgery leaves scar tissue that keeps you from feeling much.

So eating only the size portions you are supposed to will help you. Also drink loads of water because your pouch gets water logged and doesn't let food leave as quickly.

Good luck on your journey.

Mary H.
on 1/11/21 11:11 am - Gray Court, SC

That is the hardest part of having a RNY done. We had to be on a liquid diet for one month prior to our surgery, not just after it. Six days before my surgery, it was canceled due to cir****tances not my fault and I had to remain on the liquids until they rescheduled it. I was originally scheduled for Oct.18 and it ended up being Oct. 31, Halloween. I thought I was going to die. I was determined to stick with it and by the time my surgery day came I didn't care about food or even drinking anything. I had no desire to eat after my surgery which was a good thing since I had to be on clear liquids for an additional 3 weeks. I felt like I would never be able to eat real food again. You must be very careful to allow your stomach to heal. I have heard of some ending back in the hospital due to eating and causing a leak in their pouch. Staying busy and letting someone else do the cooking will help. I am fortunate, my husband is the cook in the family. Full liquids came next and my first taste of real food was two tablespoons of strained cream of broccoli soup. That stage lasted two weeks then came pureed foods. I pretty much stuck with the full liquids since I have a issue with food texture and baby food texture is not my thing. I couldnt blend meats and veggies and eat them without gagging. By the time I got to real food I didn't have the desire to eat. Unfortunately that didn't last long. I wish you luck, the end result of being miserable for a while is worth it.

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