Anyone sleeved and re-sleeved?

on 2/16/20 1:09 pm

Just wondering if anyone has had this done and what was your experience?

 HW-267-SW-253-CW-167 I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!

on 2/16/20 7:44 pm
RNY on 01/30/20

Hi Val,

my doctor said it can be done resleeved but not recommended can have a lot of complications...

I went from Band 2006 to sleeve 2016 and to Gastric Bypass 1/30/2020 2 weeks ago and so far no regrets..i never lost much with the sleeve only 25 lbs and then I got gerd so bad and gained all the weight back so I said enough was enough went in for consult with my doc (same surgeon for all 3) on January 6, 2020 and had the surgery done January 30, 2020.....I feel great if you want to message me privately I answered your friend request...

on 2/17/20 2:28 am

Thank you for your response and friend request acceptance! Congrats to you! Yeah I don't know many who will re-sleeve and I know there are more risk for complications. I was fearful of having bypass but I have done so much research and I know it's a great choice for me.

 HW-267-SW-253-CW-167 I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!

on 2/17/20 11:31 am
RNY on 01/30/20

I never thought i would have a gastric bypass...i have friends and family that had it done like 20- 25 years ago and had really bad the ads and other posters said R N Y has been in (work in progress) since about 30 years ago.. so i was basically convinced and still research on my own to get me to the point of getting it done.. i feel like i didnt even have a gastric bypass.. (i confirmed with my doctor that i did) lolololol..

no more resleeve and no more bands...ive been through both.. although i lost alot of weight with the band at the end it failed me... GERD SLIPPAGE ect..ect.

When are you planning to get the revision..??

on 2/22/20 2:45 am

I'm getting bypass revision soon as my insurance approves me and think it will be very soon. Scheduled for scope due to severe gerd next month and hoping to get a revision surgery date by April , fingers crossed ?! I also have problems with a recurring hernia and all my repairs have failed in the past so my surgeon says I will be more successful with my hernia repair with weight loss so that's what he's planning. I've had so many surgeries to my abdominal area and not to mention my head, I'm a cancer survivor of sinus cancer and went through 3 surgeries with radiation treatments. I was really on the fence about bypass but it's the best option for me.

 HW-267-SW-253-CW-167 I LOVE MY SLEEVE!!!

on 3/4/20 9:34 am
RNY on 06/06/19

Can you share about what kind of bad experiences have your friends and family had that got the rny done 20-25 years ago?

on 3/4/20 10:36 am
RNY on 01/30/20

Hi Mgsisco,

I do not want to scare you as i said this surgery RNY has been around for many many years. However, my friend who had the RNY first about 22 years ago had to get all her teeth pulled out and got veneers..When she refinanced her home for 30,000 i was floored..i guess either she didnt take her vitamins, too much malabsorbtion, and she threw up alot...the second is my cousin who had it done about 19 years ago also loss a tooth when she bit into an apple (she got a bridge) and as of today she still gets iron thinking now ( i never heard her say she is taking vitamins) . And most people back then that i have met online at doctors offices in groups seemed to all have had their gallbladders removed..

again this is the people who had surgery way back when.. i think you will be fine.. i normally get my annual dental check up but with this surgery i already made my appt and will be following my exams closely and of course get my blood work done more frequently.. and read read read and ask questions and follow all the rules and we will be ok...

Good Luck! are you looking into revision or RNY..?

on 3/4/20 10:43 am
RNY on 06/06/19

I got it 9 months ago, but that is a major concern on my part, aging with RNY. I am only 38 and I dont want to age having all those issues related yo rny plus the one we get as we get older.

on 3/4/20 5:33 pm
RNY on 01/30/20

You will be fine just do what you have to do follow all your vitamin regimen and get your blood work so you know whats going on..

Unlike you, i was worrying about dealing with all the problems that i mentioned my friend and familiy went through during my young years now that im 51 oh well dont mind so much..good luck

is this your first surgery or revision..

you should a ticker up they're fun!

on 3/4/20 5:35 pm
RNY on 06/06/19

It is my first one!

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