Hello there,
I had the VBG in 1982 at 17, although I only knew it as my stapled stomach. It was successful and life changing. I did gradually begin to eat around the restriction, opting for the soft and easy foods. But I was active and healthy even with a substantial gain. I had no intention of revision.
In 2004, the GERD snuck in. It was mild and easily managed at first but by 2010, I began treatment with a GI doc. Endoscopy showed moderate reflux and small hiatal hernia. GI doc sent me home with a prescription the usual warnings. The GERD did not improve and I began to have respiratory problems. I had stopped smoking years before and had no allergies, but mother died of copd at 46 so it didn't seem crazy that I would develop late stage asthma.
As my respiratory disease rapidly worsened, my pulmonologist began to run every test he could find to explain my condition. At that point, my dx was asthma but nothing supported it. I had an exhaustive panel of allergy tests, tests for Alpha1 (a genetic disorder), bronchoscopy, biopsy of lung tissue-all negative. I had smoked for years with no respiratory problems and there no problems for 10 years after I quit. A baseline xray was normal and each successive one showed progressive scarring. I had been having regular episodes of micro aspiration which is when reflux is so forceful that you inhale tiny amounts of digestive juices. I purchased an adjustable bed but the damage was done. I was diagnosed with obstructive and restrictive lung disease or COPD. The aspirating was killing me. I was hospitalized often for pneumonia or such.
I am now fully disabled with about a 45% lung capacity. Chronic lack of physical activity has led to more weight gain which exacerbates the other problems. My Come to Jesus moment occurred last year when I was taken by ambulance to the hospital with sepsis and aspiration pneumonia. As soon as I recovered I went to see my surgeon, who told me that RNY is the only solution for the GERD. I have always been wary of bypass procedures. Dumping syndrome terrifies me. I don't do well with remembering to take pills so the idea of handfuls of bulky vitamins is not appealing. BUT...
The alternative is even less appealing so I am fully on board. My surgery is Monday, and for the first time in a long time, I can imagine playing with my grandkids and going to the mall again and living long enough to see my son graduate from college!
I have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I will keep you all posted.
I am so sorry that you went through all of this. I believe that this operation is going to be a life changer for you. Dumping is not pleasant, but it is also not really dangerous. It is a miserable 20 or 30 minutes and a real reminder not to eat sugar. It is also not that common. Most of us have never dumped. In almost twelve years, I only remember two episodes, both from eating candy on an empty stomach.
Because the vitamins are so important, I invested in this storage and reminder system. Once a month, I fill all of the containers and each morning I set out the container for the day and the alarm tells me it is time for a dose. While it may seem excessive, it has kept me on track for many years. It is called Medcenter.
The other three things I highly recommend is a free tracking program called My Fitness Pal, a fitness tracker, and a smart scale that syncs with the tracker and My Fitness Pal. Measurements and movement are very important.
I wore out two Magic Bullets. There are better things available now, but making the food and shakes taste great will be very beneficial. By the second day after surgery, I felt great. I was waiting for the other shoe to fall, but it did not. I felt better every day. The weight went away, my health kept improving and life became so much better after the weight loss. The vitamins and proper food choices gave me more energy than I had before.
I am wishing you wonderful success. Please keep using this forum and you will find an amazing source of help.

Real life begins where your comfort zone ends
Please don?t be so afraid of dumping. I had RNY in 2012 and I have never thrown up! I?ve had diarrhea from eating fish that wasn?t wholesome but in that case, better out than in. You will learn than you feel so awful when you eat sugar (not just your tummy; I have hallucinated after eating sugar) that it simply is not worth it. I highly recommend Overeaters Anonymous is you can talk with like minded people about emotional eating. Good luck!