Have LapBand wanting to revise to Roux N y

on 1/25/19 8:01 am

Hi everyone. I have a lapband since 2008..im now feeling like I'm aspirating at night lots of heart burn . I'm able to eat a modified soft diet very little protein except in shakes. I'm scared to loose my esophagus to cancer or whatever due to this horrible acid reflux and whatever is wrong with the lap band. I haven't had it adjust for about 6 years I moved away from my surgeon. I've made an appointment to discuss option to remove lap band and have a Roux N Y done. Any suggestions out there..My appointment is not until February 7th, Thanks

on 2/7/19 8:57 am

I got my lap band in 2009. In 2015 I started having terrible reflux like you. I knew I wanted to get rid of the lap band. I researched and found a doctor experienced in revisions. He sent me for a scope and after seeing the results agreed it had to be removed. He said he would only do the RNY due to my reflux. In July 2015, I had the revision to RNY and it was the best decision I ever made. I have been at my goal weight since Sept., 2016. I have no reflux and have been off blood pressure meds since right after the surgery. Glad you are seeing the doctor tomorrow. You will feel so much better after that evil lap band is gone!

HW 280

CW 168

Goal 165

on 2/10/19 6:54 am

Valapp, Hi and thank you for replying. I saw my doctor and after describing the symptoms of reflux, coughing/aspirating at night and terrible heart burn he will proceed on doing a RNY. I had so many questions for him but forgot them all even after writing them down..that being said really my questions are nothing anyone can answer since we are all different. Question for you: how long did you stay in the hospital? When were you allowed to return to work. If any complications that you might have encountered what were they? I have lots of people that are trying to change my mind to just removing the lap band and letting it be...however they've never been obese >200lbs and I know myself ...I will be going through the RNY.

Dr removed all fluid from the lap band and I felt an immediate relief. However I feel that were the band is placed it has to be raw....because the horrible heartburn in the opening of the stomach has been horrible..but thankfully the tums works!


on 2/11/19 9:40 am

I had my surgery Monday morning and came home on Wednesday. They sent me home with pain meds, but I didn't need any pain meds after I got home. Just be sure you walk in the hospital and after you get home. I made myself walk at least once an hour. The only complication I had was that one of my sutures got infected. I called my doctor and they put me on an anti biotic immediately and it cleared up with no problem. I volunteer at my church every Monday counting the offering. I was able to go do it the next Monday with my husband driving me. I am retired but if I had been still working I probably could have gone back after the second week if I had too. You will be tired from the surgery and it is work getting your routine down with the protein shakes and getting in all your fluids. Take as much time from work as they will allow. Your body has to heal and it does take time, but you will feel so much better. I wish I had done the gastric bypass instead of the lap band initially. I paid cash for my lap band and I certainly don't feel I got my money's worth with all the problems it created with my health and I lost very little weight. With the gastric bypass, the weight loss is slow and steady. It didn't start falling off right away and I thought, "Oh no", another failed weight loss program. But just stick with the eating plan and it will work. My highest weight was 280 and I have weighed 165 since Sept. 2016. Hope this helps, but if you have any additional questions, let me know.

HW 280

CW 168

Goal 165

on 2/12/19 7:28 am

Thank you again for your response. In a registered nurse with very little lifting at work I'm hoping to be off one week but I guess we will see. As it is in in a liquid/shake diet p look us one meal a day such as salad and a mixed either chicken or tuna salad with it...then ofcourse the other junk food my anxiety allows haha. I have lots of coworkers not wanting me to have the surgery but they've never been obese and had to deal with it for a life long time. I'm 48 years old and I know menopause will slow things down even more. Thank you for your support

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