Overstitch Revision Info

Jen J.
on 10/8/18 8:36 am, edited 10/8/18 8:09 pm - Canton, MI

Hey there,

I'm 13 years out from RNY and lost 100 pounds. 2 years ago I started gaining it back. I went to my surgeon and he referred me to another surgeon who does the Overstitch procedure. I was approved and am having it done in a few weeks. I don?t know much about it as far as recovery, diet afterwards and all I've read is mostly info that?s a few years old. I know the success rate is iffy, but I believe this will give me the oomppff to get back on track and live the lifestyle I should be. I swear I wouldn?t ever go back to this and now I?m here again and miserable. I need this change and any info or experience anyone has had would be so greatly appreciated.

Thanks all!


on 10/9/18 7:09 pm

Hi, I have not had this done, but I'm looking to get a revision. I haven't heard of this procedure. Do u have info on this? I have 2 consults tomorrow and I eouwo like to ask about this. Thank you in advance for any info.

Jen J.
on 10/9/18 11:45 pm - Canton, MI

Hi, this is where they go in and tighten the pouch and the "tube" underneath leading to intestines because it's stetched. I had the full RNY, so there is is not much I can do after that except this. It's much less invasive than the original surgery and they do it endoscopicly. Recovery is a few days. Tomorrow I go to my surgeon and find out more details about diet afterwards. I'm learning that not many surgeons do this and some have to search for ones who do. I was lucky that my surgeon knew of a person right away. There just isn't a lot of info from people who have had it done out there I'm finding. Ask your doc and see what he says...I'd love to know more. Good luck!

on 10/10/18 2:56 pm

Well, I guess I'm going to have to search for a doc that does this. I found out today I am not a candidate for the band over pouch. My surgeon doesn't do the overstitch. Says he don't know who is able to do it. I'm so depressed. I need both knees replaced and need this off me faster. I'm frustrated.

Jen J.
on 10/24/18 7:09 am - Canton, MI

Hi there Kat,

I'm so sorry for my delay in replying. I've been swamped here and just now getting back on. I'm so sorry you are running into roadblocks. I felt the same exact way. My surgeon didn't do it and referred me to someone. I've also seen several surgeons online who do it. I'm not sure where you live, but I am in Michigan. Maybe go online and search your area or around your area for overstitch. Possibly travel. You will find someone. :) I just had my surgery yesterday. I'm in some pain but I'm been in a mental slump for over a year, as I'm sure you can relate. Some people have negative things to say about this...don't listen to them. I can tell you that it's recharging me. I'm giving it my full all and I'm going to use my surgery, the tool I once had to HELP me eat right again, exercise and not take advantage of what was given to me before.

I am going to say a prayer for you...I know the place you are in. Don't give up and keep searching. You WILL find a surgeon. Mine was paid for by insurance as an endoscopic procedure and i had to cover a reasonable portion that was covered. No biggie. Write me if you need to and keep me posted.

:) Hang in...you will find a way...:)


on 10/24/18 11:11 am

Thanks Jen,

IL keep looking. I'm so frustrated. I have an autoimmune disease of the thyroid that is holding back my weight loss . My doc put me on Phenterimine, but I just started. No results yet. I am keeping my calories to 1250 to 1400 every day to no avail. I'm lucky if I have lost a half pound a week. I hate this. I'm so mad I messed up the first time. IL give it a go on the internet and see if I find someone.

Good luck to you, I'm jealous and happy for you all at the same time. I hope you do well.

Kim .....Katlady59

on 10/27/18 5:19 pm - Mechanicsville, MD

It's called Trans Oral Gastric outlet reduction , I just had mine done a week ago, it's in out day surgery. 1st day was hell worse than my RNY 7 yrs ago / down 220# . Started to regain so I'm hoping for a restart. I'm in liquid to mush diet x4 weeks.

on 10/28/18 9:16 am

I have to Thank you for giving me the official name of the operating procedure . Once I googled that name, I was able to find a doctor not too far from me. I have already requested an appointment. My question is do u really start losing good again?

I worry because I need to lose about 80 pounds to get my knees replaced. I've been on a1400 calorie diet since July 1 and really haven't list much. Maybe 28 to 30 pounds. I still need to lose the rest.

Thanks for your time, Kim

Jen J.
on 11/1/18 5:38 pm - Canton, MI

My doc told approx 40 lbs, but like I said above, it has recharged me to use the tool I was given 15 years ago with RNY. I'd like to lose 75 but with my age, 46, it's going to be slower. After my procedure, it was rough for about 4 days but I'm feeling better. I'm exhausted because I am not eating much. I am on soft foods, but my doc told me to eat when my body tells me too. I feel like I will be on soft for at least another week. It's been 10 days and my stubborn body is still holding on to every bit of fat because it's in starvation mode. I've only lost 5 pounds but know it will come off soon since I'm not eating much.

So glad you found someone. It will happen for you. Keep us posted and we can all be a support system for each of us.


on 12/20/18 2:55 am

Jen..checking in to see how it is going since you are approx 2 months out from your procedure. I go for consultation tomorrow with Dr. Kumbhari at Johns Hopkins. I am very excited. Was hoping you would share your experience thus far...thanks


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