How much weight did you lose after RNY revision surgery?

on 5/2/18 8:00 am

No. I definitely don't WANT surgery. But I will go through with it if it will help my severe digestive disorders. It has nothing to do with weight regain, which is why I am asking about the amount of weight that is lost because I don't want to become too thin.

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 5/3/18 4:55 pm

I do not have a lot of knowledge of the revision procedures. I do however see several people assuming you have gained weight. You are an incredible inspiration and anyone who takes 5 minutes to look you up will see you are the definition of a successful weight loss patient. No one at their goal weight would want to have anot get surgery, unless there is a serious reason. I hope you get your digestion issues taken care of quickly. Wishing you the best!!!!

on 5/3/18 6:46 pm

Thank you so much! I don't know why there are some very bitter people on this community who try to spread their unhappiness to others. As for me, my mother, G-d bless her, told me to use my words to lift people up. I think it feels so much better to try to help someone than to try to cut them down. xoxo

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 5/4/18 5:06 am
Revision on 09/14/17

Had I read the forums I would of posted my story here but to make it less lengthy go to this link on the forums. ision-can-be-more-successful-than-the-standards/

The statistics are bleak but you don't have to be that statistic. I have proven that. When I so desperately sought out this information there was one person's story online that gave hope. They worked hard to make it happen. I followed their lead and have been successful. They feel I am within 50 lbs of where I can get without massive skin removal surgery. That's ok I can do anything and live life with it or without it and before I was dying.

My Dr. said most revisions have a 50 lbs success statistic. My RNY was 30 years ago before they even knew dumping was part of it. She rebuilt my RNY completely and took me distal.

on 5/4/18 5:09 am
Revision on 09/14/17

I had a wound infection and took a round of antibiotics. I got some fluid behind my liver (was due to surgery but could of been any surgery) which they drained. Other than that I have only faced the eating issues of adjusting. Losing weight has exposed a hernia that was hidden by fat that will be fixed at some point.

on 5/4/18 9:03 pm

I have a small hernia from being so badly constipated with my darn digestive disorders. But I am leaving it go because I don't want the darn scar to mess up my abdomen after all the plastic surgery that I had done.

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 5/4/18 9:01 pm

I did not know they were doing the surgery 30-years ago. I think it is amazing that you had it done back then when so few people were doing it. I think it makes it easier now to go through because, well, everyone is doing it. It somehow makes it less scary in my mind (I had RNY in 2003).

Reading your story was a nail-biter. I can just imagine how you felt in that situation. But it was also inspiring because you mustered up your inner strength and beat the odds. Good for you. I am so very happy for your health and well-being. I am certain that I would not be here today if I had not had WLS.

So it seems that more intestine is bypassed in the ERNY than in the DS. One of my concerns is malnutrition. I know that you are about 9-mos out have you had any problems with nutrient deficiencies, hair falling out? And what did they tell you to follow for a nutritional regimen because I have not seen one for the ERNY?

Thank you and congratulations on your second chance. And thank you for sharing.

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 5/9/18 8:39 pm

For what it's worth, I came across this study that showed no difference in weight loss between the RNY and the ERNY. They are talking about these as a primary surgery.

I have a consult with the bariatric surgeon coming up as well as I am embarking on a new treatment protocol for the SIBO. It will be interesting to hear what the physician has to say, and I am hopeful for the results of the SIBO treatment.

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


on 6/12/18 9:40 pm

Well, the SIBO protocol did not work. I will have to repeat it.

I did speak with a bariatric surgeon today. She does not do revision surgery but I wanted to get her opinion of revision surgery for what I am trying to accomplish. She said that she knew very little about it, told me I looked great (I sure as heck don't feel great), and said that I may be ahead of my time with my thinking BUT based on what she knew she would not recommend it because it could cause other problems.

I may check with a few other surgeons to get their take on it. I've already been approved quite some time ago for the surgery in MX but this is not something that I am jump into.

Living larger than ever,
My Bariatric Life


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