Revision from Sleeve to RNY

on 5/8/17 7:30 am
Revision on 06/13/17

This is my 2nd time around with WLS. I had a sleeve in August, 2012. Everything went very smoothly, no complications and lost 94 pounds. I had many stress events in the following few years, including damage to both knees, requiring surgery. I put back on 80 of the 94 I had lost. In addition, I started experiencing horrid reflux at least 3x a week. Surgeon suggested a endoscopy to take a look and found a large hernia just north of my diaphram. We decided a revision to RNY was the best course of action. Due to scar tissue and multiple procedures, the surgery will be an open as opposed to laproscopic. Yes, I am nervous, but also anxious and excited to be be given this opportunity again, to get healthy.

Has anyone else been through this recently?

on 5/8/17 11:43 am

No but I had sleeve in 2010 as well and Lap Band prior my problem is me not other things that make it difficult. However with both surgeries I NEVER felt full and remained hungry. Now I have chronic fatigue and deep depression. I also suffer from the grand daddy of PTSD which compounds the issue. I am a DAV and the VA tries but only has pill solutions I'm pilled out. I just found this site and am going to be a sponge to learn all I can about re-sleeve THX BILL66

on 5/8/17 1:41 pm
VSG on 05/12/14

I revised from VSG to RNY in July 2016 to address severe GERD. My surgery was done laparoscopically, so I can't help you with the open aspect, but if you have any questions related to the revision itself, I'd be happy to answer.

on 5/8/17 2:55 pm

I'm totally in the dark with the acronym's RNY ? What is physically done during a sleeve revision I suspect it is trimmed and restored to it's original size but my concern is never feeling full.

on 5/9/17 12:31 am
VSG on 10/05/15

RNY stands for Roux En Y or gastric bypass.

on 5/18/17 2:20 pm - NJ

Hi Stacy! Can I please pick your brain about the revision from sleeve to bypass. My surgery is next week and I don't know what to expect after

on 5/18/17 3:58 pm
VSG on 05/12/14

Of course. Ask me anything.

on 5/21/17 12:56 pm - NJ

I am having my revision to gastric on Wed. I'm not sure what to expect. How did you feel after? How long was your recovery? I started out at 238 before the sleeve

After the lowest I got was 173, but now I'm up to 205. The doctor said I won't lose as much the second time, but I should be able to get back to 173. I was aiming for a little lower. How much did you lose? Did you cheat at all on the pre diet? My doctor has me on a 7 day liquid diet. 3 protein shakes a day, sugar free jello and ice pops, and low sodium broth. I'm dying at times and have snuck a little canned tuna into the broth. He has said plain yogurt if needed. It's gross so I mix it with the protein drink.

on 5/21/17 5:57 pm
VSG on 05/12/14

I had a great recovery. I was up and walking the same day as my surgery and walked the whole hospital the following days. I stayed in the hospital for 3 days at my choice. Once I got home, I was out running errands 2 days later. The worst part wasn't I had a drain in for a week. Other than that it was much easier than my first VSG.

I was basically at goal when I converted, so it's hard for me to talk about weight loss. I had gained about 10 lbs just prior and that came of relatively quickly. My surgeon did tell me that weight loss with a revision is always slower. I'm 10 months post conversion and at goal.

He didn't put me on a pre op diet since I was basically at goal. He told me to eat is if I was preparing for a race; eat very high protein. He also had me drink things called impact shakes (which were disgusting) but definitely helped my recovery. I had to do the post op food progression over so I was on clears for a week, full liquid for a week, purée for a week, soft for a week then regular food. As for cheating, I didn't cheat the first time around and would. It have cheated the second time if he made me do it, but I'm a rule follower and have done everything he's told me to do. Let me know if you have any other questions

on 5/11/17 12:06 pm
RNY on 06/12/17

I have a lap-band currently and lost about 60 pounds in the first year. Then another 40 pounds over the next couple of years. I was able to keep most off (I still go up and down 15 pounds or so), but I needed to lose A LOT more than what I've lost. Honestly, I found ways of cheating with the band. Simply drinking fluid would push the food through and allow me to keep eating. Of course, I hated myself but I couldn't stop. I tried so hard. After some complications with the band moving and causing pain as well as issues with my esophagus, they wanted to remove my band. The surgeon suggested doing a gastric bypass during the same procedure where he removes the band. So, we're going to do that. I am very grateful for this opportunity and pray for the strength to work hard and allow this bypass to help me become healthy. It is scary and intimidating, but I need this.

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