Endoscopy done and now need ultrasound.....scared!

on 11/12/15 4:24 pm
RNY on 09/23/16

ive been having problems with my band which are mainly reflux issues. I've had the band completely unfilled which worked for awhile but then the reflux returned. A barium swallow showed that nothing was wrong. I went for an endoscopy because I'm considering a revision. They found a polyp but instead of removing it they want me back in for an ultrasound. I'm getting nervous about what this could mean. Anyone else have this happen? I'm ready to have this band out regardless of revision or not but I'm scared about what this could be. Any help would be appreciated.

Lap band: 2006. Revision to RNY 9/23/2016

8/2/17: Goal Reached: 135lbs. & 115lbs lost (5'3")

Pre-op: 250, SW 242, CW 125, GW 135

Pre-op: 9lb M1: 20lb M2: 11.5lb M3: 11.9 M4: 13.4 M5: 10.8 M6: 10.2 M7: 8.1 M8: 8.4 M9: 6.5 M10: 5.7 M11: 3.5 M12: 4.3

Sherrie P.
on 11/12/15 4:37 pm
RNY on 02/06/13

Not sure what it means - but getting the band out was the best decision I made. Good luck and hope all is okay. 

Revision Lapband to RNY 2-6-2013   HW: 286  Pre-Op Diet: 277  Surgery Day: 265  Goal: 155  CW: 155

Plastic surgery 8/28/2014: Brachioplasty, mastopexy, & abdominoplasty.

Plastic surgery 1/27/2015: Butt Lift


on 11/13/15 6:01 pm

I have severe reflux issues with the sleeve. I've actually aspirated in my sleep, so I have to sleep in a recliner now. I had an endo they removed a polyp, also had the ultrasound and barium. I have a hiatal hernia, Gerd, and need a revision to the bypass or I'll end up with a feeding tube. But the insurance won't cover it.

on 11/13/15 6:15 pm

I had a band. I had horrible reflux issues. They did an upper GI and they were about to say all was normal, until I pointed out that I felt like it was up in my chest. They moved the scanner and yep, a bunch of barium was sitting up in my esophagus. They diagnosed me with esophageal dysmotility. They had literally said, "everything logs fine". I had to tell them about the feeling up in my esophagus. Band was removed the following week. It had been a year and a half, I just had rny on 10/26. I am very happy at this point.

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