Apollo Overstitch went well !!

on 11/26/15 12:41 pm

Capodo...I had my procedure on 11/16/15 and am still on the liquid diet phase. It's rough. I too came to the realization that food is a panacea for many things that ail me. I didn't come to that conclusion until it was gone. My happiest time is when I am at work because I'm so busy that I don't have time to even think about my restrictive diet. I just had my first post-op. I'm down 18 pounds. My bariatric team have said I need to remain on liquids for a minimum of four weeks in order for the sutures to heal and enough scar tissue to form. Every morning I wake up feeling as though I am going into battle with myself. I hate exercising but force myself to walk 2 miles every morning. In response to your question about gas, the only time I really experienced that was a few days post surgery from the anesthesia.

on 11/27/15 6:11 am - Chicago, IL
Hi Molanca!

Congratulations on your procedure!

My surgery team had me on liquids for the first week only. By the second week, I was allowed pureed foods (the consistency of baby food). I was experiencing severe hunger pangs, headaches, and nausea. My dietitian attributed this to the fact I have extremely low levels of Vitamin D, iron and iron storage in my body. Since I cannot take any supplements/vitamins for the first 4 weeks, I have to eat foods rich in protein and iron. So I've been doing a LOT of beans, and a baby food breakfast cereal as it's fortified with iron. Felt MUCH better just 2 days after starting this regime.

My first post-op is on 12/17 and I hope to walk in there down 30lbs. As of last Monday I've lost 25. My dream would be to lose at least 50 from this. My fantasy would be to lose about 80.

I don't like exercising either my friend. *chuckle* But, I lovelovelove walking. I also try to get 1.5 - 2 miles in almost every day. My issue is that I'm also recovering from 2 stress fractures to my right foot (happened on Labor Day)! Still sore from that. I also have a recumbent stationary bike at home which I'll ride. I couldn't do it the first two weeks, too tough on the stomach area. But it's ok now.

Please feel free to keep writing and let me know how you're doing. We need to stick together!

"Sam.  Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."  --Optimus Prime, Transfomers2

"The Lord is close to the broken-hearted.  He rescues those who are crushed in spirit."  --Psalm 34:18a

on 11/29/15 4:08 pm

Hi Capodo!

Thanks for responding. You just don't know how much this message board and hearing the personal experiences of other bariatric patients means to me. Most of the feedback that I've read about revision surgery has been very disappointing. It's nice to hear from someone who has had a positive experience with it.

I'm amazed how well you are doing even with two stress fractures! I think you will surpass your own personal goal of 30 lbs. by the 17th at the rate you're going. What type of revision surgery did you have; DS or Apollo? Why are you restricted from having vitamins until after 4 weeks? Is it difficult to digest the pureed food? What foods are you eating to get the protein in? (Sorry for playing 20 questions).

It will be two weeks tomorrow since my surgery and I've lost 16 lbs. I too was trying to shoot for 30 lbs. by the end of my first month but the weight loss seems to have slowed down a bit. I'm doing well on the liquid diet but am hungry all the time. I'm embarrassed to say that the first thing that I thought about post surgery was how much I would like to have an In-N-Out burger! LOL. Sometimes I go to bed early to avoid thinking about food. Every day is a struggle. I feel as though I am doing battle with myself. I would be eager to hear how you're coping with this whole crazy thing called "weight loss surgery"! LOL.

on 11/29/15 4:11 pm

Oops! Just realized you had the Apollo. Scratch that question!

on 11/29/15 5:55 pm - Chicago, IL

OH has been a God-send for me. I joined it after my 2001 Gastric Bypass. I don't visit as often as I should, but I am so glad when I do get in here!

You asked about vitamins. My bariatric team believes that vitamins are too difficult for the small pouch to digest and will make me nauseated. So in the meantime, I'm trying foods that'll give me protein and iron. Right now the bulk of my protein comes from protein powders. Which I HATE by the way! I will admit, I did order a chicken-soup flavored powder and an unflavored powder - both from Unjury (only available online). I've been pleased with them. If I have to keep doing protein powder, I'll likely order another from them. The two I have now are from Vitamin Shoppe (Fudge Brownie and Cookie Dough) and I don't care for either one of them.

Other than the powder, my dietitian has allowed me refried beans, cottage cheese, and chili (with or without beans). I've been eating this since the start of week 2. The first week I was HORRIBLY hungry at Day 3. Called my bariatric doc and the nurse told me to just up my protein powder. After a week, I was so nauseated, shaky, and had the worst headache. So I called my dietitian Kimberly.

Bloodwork taken just before my surgery revealed I'm extremely low in my Vitamin D level, my Iron level, and my iron storage level. Kimberly explained this likely accounted for me feeling so hungry, and before my procedure, craving sugar and carbs. My body needed fuel for energy and sugar/carbs are the quickest ways to get it. So, at the start of Week 2, she moved me to the diet I should've started at the start of Week 3.

MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH better. I'm getting around 75 grams of protein a day (including the shake). I don't have any sugar craving. I don't have any carb craving. I'm seldom hungry. And not nauseated at all. If I had to stay on this diet for a while, I could!

Congrats on your weight loss! I worry so much that the initial weight loss will quickly slow. Which shocks me because my average calorie intake daily is 850. And I exercise at least 4 times a week (walk or stationary bike).

My heart goes out to you for the In-&-Out burger thoughts. I never got to eat one of those, but I've been told they're PHENOM. My biggest crave right now? Cheese. I lovelovelovelovelove cheese. Mozzarella is my fave and I'm SO missing it.

Please feel free to let me know how you're doing. As I said before, we need to stick together!

"Sam.  Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."  --Optimus Prime, Transfomers2

"The Lord is close to the broken-hearted.  He rescues those who are crushed in spirit."  --Psalm 34:18a

on 11/30/15 7:12 am

Hmm. After hearing about your diet and comparing your weight loss with mine, I'm wondering if I'm taking in too few calories. I'm averaging less than 600 calories and walk almost every day. However, even with 2-3 protein shakes and broth per day, my pouch still feel so restrictive at times. My doctor is known for his small pouches. It's hard to know what the correct course of action to follow.

on 12/25/15 4:18 pm


Just checking in on you. I wanted to know how you're doing. I'm still on a liquid diet and have been so since 11/14. I've lost 29 lbs. post op and 35 since going on the liquids. I'm struggling right now. I actually ate on Christmas Eve and feel terribly guilty even though I ate very little. At first I felt no restriction but later I felt really uncomfortable. I was just wondering whether or not you've been struggling? What do you do when you find yourself missing foods? I know it's all mental but how do you address those issues? Do you feel restriction and if so, is it enough to discourage you from overeating? Even though I got back on liquids the very next day and have followed the regimen religiously, I still feel like I could easily fall off the proverbial wagon. I plan to be on a liquid diet until my 2 month checkup. Your feelings and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

on 12/28/15 2:09 pm - Chicago, IL
Happy After Christmas molanca!

You're still on liquids after a month... God bless you my friend! As I stated, I felt horrible after just 3 days of liquids. But I toughed it out for a week then talked to my nutritionist.

On the 23rd, my diet became unrestricted. So now I can eat whatever I wish. Keeping in mind my bariatric team says I should always refrain from:
using straws
no heavy carbs (and they discourage most ANY carb altogether)

My dietitian says I should be eating just 1/2 cup of food. YEAH.

My overall caloric intake has increased to between 1100 - 1300. And my average exercise burn is 360 - 500 calories at least 4x a week. I will confess though, I'm stalled. Past two weeks I haven't lost anything. Except maybe my sanity. *LOL*

I DO feel the restriction my friend. But I eat about 3/4 of a cup to a cup of food. Though there are times 1/2 cup is fine too. I'm doing mainly protein and veggies. One night last week I tried eating a Lean Cuisine personal pizza (only 350 calories and 17g of protein). BIG, BIG, BIG, BIG mistake there. I had cut the thing into 6 pieces and was on piece #4 when it came out the way it went in. And my pouch HURT. And I felt HORRIBLE. Irritated intestines and all. My doctors have considered that I could have Celiac. I don't know about that, but I believe I am DEFINITELY gluten intolerant.

The only food I crave is cheese. And I am able to eat it. I measure it, and count it religiously - because I know how easy it could get away from me. I'm not craving sugar really. Amazing enough, and I'll fight this as long as I can! Not really craving carbs either. I only got the pizza because it was late when I got home and I didn't want to cook. Well... never again!

I struggled greatly at the beginning. But I'm ok now. Just can't honestly understand how it is that I only get at most 1300 calories - and am exercising at least 350 of these off a day - and yet I can't lose anymore. REALLY frustrating!

"Sam.  Fate rarely calls upon us at a moment of our choosing."  --Optimus Prime, Transfomers2

"The Lord is close to the broken-hearted.  He rescues those who are crushed in spirit."  --Psalm 34:18a

on 12/29/15 8:12 am

I will be honest. I am afraid to go off the liquid diet. I'm afraid if I go off of it before I am near to reaching my goal I will fail. I'm suppose to get off of it on the 16th. I do well when I am in a controlled environment but when I have to make choices for myself I stray off the beaten path.

I recently joined OA. It's nice to be around people who have food issues and can share their battles. Food, what to eat, and exercise have become such a fixation with me. I really hate feeling this way. I just want to get up in the morning, pick something to eat, and not think about it. I started a new job and it is stressing me out but I don't have the food to pacify me and alleviate the stress. I lose about 2 lbs a week but I still find myself disappointed. It seems to me after walking 2 miles every day and "eating" about 320-500 calories every day the lbs should be melting off. Oh well...I can only take one day at a time.

Every month my doctor has a support group meeting. The dietician said that if you are taking in 1200 calories for example and you aren't losing weight you have to step up the exercise and lower the calories.  I know this is a bitter pill to swallow since you aren't taking in that many calories to begin with. She also said that a "Stall" is six weeks without weight loss! I don't know if I necessarily agree with this but ok. This really shouldn't be rocket science but this whole weight loss process is an enigma to me.

on 12/29/15 8:15 am

P.S. - Happy Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

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