Feeling like a failure but finally being honest with myself.
It's been about 6 years since my last post. I had RNY July 2008 and within 9 months I went from 305 down to 219 (my lowest). I stayed at about 225 for a long time and then started to gain again. I kept to the rules and ate protein first, stayed away from carbs, exercised, etc. but the weight (slowly at first) crept back. By early 2014 I was back up to about 250 and in March 2014 I had back surgery. After 3 months I was recovered from my back surgery and then I severely sprained my ankle which put me in a walking boot for 2 months and it was sore for 2 more months. Unable to exercise much and dealing with increasingly painful back issues, I have arrived at 268
Today I had an upper GI and next week will meet with a Dr. to go over my options and to see if a revision is on the table. I never lost the weight the Drs thought I would and it was disappointing. I'll admit, I've strayed a bit off the rule path eating foods on the naughty list and can eat wayyyyy more than I'm sure I'm supposed to be able to. I am now facing major back surgery within 6-12 months and know that weight loss will only help in my recovery. I don't want to get back to 305, I need to re-gain control.
Can anyone else tell me if they've successfully had a revision, how much had you gained back before the revision and did you meet your goals after? I have a long road ahead of me with my weight issues and back issues all arriving at once but am determined to beat this, stop shaming myself and get back on track to living a healthy life again.
RNY 07/29/2008 | HW: 305lbs | LW: 219lbs | GW: 180lbs
I'm in a similar boat. Had my RNY in 2003. Never got to my goal weight and started gaining. Slowly at first, and then I got frustrated and flaunted the rules.
I'm going in on Friday the 16th for my scope to see if I can be "corrected". I don't expect miracles anymore - and am willing to do the work.
When you talk about revision - are you looking at having your stoma tightened up? or are you looking to change to a distal RNY or DS?
Good luck!
Good question Kelly. I moved from MN to CA and hadn't had a Bariatric check up in 3 years (guessing I gained about 15-20 lbs in that time) and so I finally found a Bariatric clinic and in calling for an appointment, explaining why, they immediately booked an upper GI so the Dr would be better educated at our meeting and we could go from there. That being said, I guess I'm not sure. When I spoke to my back surgeon about my weight loss, etc. he seemed to think a sleeve would be recommended but also cautioned me to make sure I ask all the big questions about metabolics and how my organs might be effected metabolically...I guess I have a lot to think about it. I too am willing to do the work and am anxious to hear what he thinks after looking at my GI results.
What about you, Kelly?
RNY 07/29/2008 | HW: 305lbs | LW: 219lbs | GW: 180lbs
My first hope is to have my stoma tightened up - using the Apollo over stitch procedure. (endoscopic)
However, the more I think about it - if my doctor says that I need to consider another surgery - distal or DS, then I would give it serious thought. I wanted to avoid a "true" surgery, but getting my health back on track is more important.
My insurance has indicated that the Apollo is not currently covered, however I think a good doctor's office should be able to help me with appeals to get it covered.
I'll know more after my test next week.
Hi Heidi,
Wow you sound a lot like me. I too am struggling with regain and I never came close to my goal weight. I went to the clinic and asked about a revision. They did an upper GI and because my pouch isn't stretched out, I was basically told tough luck. I will be trying again. In the meantime a member suggested trying the Atkins induction phase to get me back on track with my food choices. The first day was tough, but once I got into ketosis, I was fine and I feel better. I have lost 18 pounds since Sept 6 (1 month). I would recommend it to you just to get the ball rolling on getting back to basics. The good thing about Atkins is that if you can't exercise, it's ok, which seems to suit your current needs.
I really hope that things work out for you and good for you for getting on and admitting that you weren't perfect. I wasn't either, but no one is and I am happy to see that you are on track to regain control.
Big Hug,
Hi Hiedi,
I had my r-n-y in September of 2006 and did loose all my weight, in fact half of me went away. I did great with everything until I moved out of state with my new hubby away from my kids and grandbabies. I hated this place since the day I set foot out here and started gaining weight as soon as my house was all the way moved into. that was 3 yrs ago, now im 70pds heavier and not sure if my pouch is stretched out or not. I moved from Colorado where I had a very active life to no where Texas where the only answer is "no". no jobs, no friends out in the middle of no where. no where to have fun so I find myself eating and watching tv all day. I don't know if I have stretched my pouch or not cuz sometimes I cant eat much of anything and the next day im back to two bowls of cereal for breakfast. I know what I did to myself, my own failure. but it came on so slowly I kept telling myself I would get a grip on it and next thing I know my clothes are too tight and I feel horrible about what I have done. So I decided to see if I can get a revision and change this back, and finally and take control. So I contacted some dr's out in Dallas and have appointments set up for 2 weeks from now, then I found out about this way to find out if I stretched my pouch without expensive dr's appts and will try it before I go any further:
have you ever heard of the cottage cheese tests?
I found it online, created by a bariatric doc trying to find out if his patients have stretched their pouches or not.
1) in the morning when have nothing in your tummy ( no water, no coffee, nothing buy a container of small curd cottage cheese (has to be small curd).
2) take a measuring cup and fill it to the 2 cup mark
3) eat the cottage cheese out of the container as fast as you can until you are truly full.
4) after you eat the cottage cheese out of the container, then add the water from the measuring cup into the cottage cheese container
5) when the cottage cheese container is full as it was before you started eating the cottage cheese measure the amount of water you poured into to the container. that is the size of your pouch
..walla.....no science just simply a easy tool to use....im going to do it tomorrow morning and then I will know for sure if I truly need a revision or I can just stop feeling sorry for my self and lose on...or if I truly need a revision. I will keep you all posted ..good luck all
I had RNY surgery in 2002. I lost 100 pounds and never reached goal but did get down to 175. I maintained that for 5 years then gained back to 240 over the next 5 years. 2012 I revised to DS with Dr. Ara Keshishian. I lost all excess weight. I was down to 117 but have bounced back (as expected) to 125. I have been holding here.
I first looked in to the Apollo Over stitch and ERNY (tightening up my stoma and removing more intestine) Neither have proven longterm success. I did not want to face another surgery in 5 more years.
Some Dr's say they revise WLS but they do not tell you DS is not something they can do. There are only a few Vetted RNY to DS Surgeons.
Go to dsfacts.com for more information. This may not e the surgery for you but learn your options and make an informed choice.
Do not settle for what a Dr can do but get what is best for you.
Good luck

Revision from RNY to DS 12/10/12 Dr. Ara Kesishian BMI: 19
Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods
I am scheduled to have the Apollo Over Stitch on Oct 27
I had RNY 2005 , Stomma and tummy have stretched out and i have gained 47 lbs
The next best thing that i found to a complete revision was a surgery called the Apollo Overstitch
I am so excited and feel so blessed to be able to have this surgery !
Any question you might have , I am hear for you
Peaeful day to yo