desperate to find a doc who will help take out a band and revise to a sleeve VANCOUVER BC

on 9/8/15 3:51 pm

I had the lapband surgery many moons ago. Was extremely successful until it slipped and caused a scary incident. When the surgeon did the revision surgery then he didn't fix the port or place the band propoerly - SO for the past almost 10 yrs i have been living with this useless foreign object in me. Of course he has since retired and no one seems to want to help out. I am having problems, and before they get worse, to the extremes I had around the slippage time I am hoping to find a surgeon to help. I have been told by dr. Nguyen ofc that they will not help.

This is saddening and frustrating. Anyone been in the same position or know of anyone that could be of help? Thank you in advance.


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