RNY revision question
I had RNY in 1998 and initially lost about 180 pounds. After gaining half my weight back over a 17 year period, I decided to seek out a revision, which was called a distalization procedure and had that performed in August 2014. One year later, I am down 65 pounds. The surgery worked out very well, but it was not without complications. I had an infection that prevented my wound from healing and even after the wound healed, I ended up with a couple of abscesses on my abdominal wall. It was a fluke and a difficult recovery, but now being a year out and finally back to normal and getting my energy back, I am happy with my progress and feel like I have my life under control again.
I have. I had RNY in 2002 and a revision to a distal revision 5 weeks ago.
So far I am really happy with the results.. I wish weight came off quickly as the first time, but it IS coming off not going on, and that alone makes me smile.
I had no operative complications at all. I was up and walking on my own the day after surgery, and have done really good since. I have one area on my lower left side that spasms on and off but even it seems to be getting better now. My surgeon needed to do a repair of my pouch while he was doing the revision as there was a new "pouch" that had formed off the old pouch giving me the ability to tolerate too much food was way to easy and if you knew me you would know- I never pass up on a good deal ;) Because he did the pouch reformation as well as the bypass I am following a normal RNY post op diet.. there for - as of last Thursday I am on a soft diet. I have done a variety of foods, and kept a close eye on what ones I seem to have a lot of grumbling tummy with and which ones don't seem to do that. It is somewhat difficult for me in the eating area since I feel so good, and so normal that it is hard to remember I had surgery!
So far.. (and I hope it stays this way) I have had no bowel issues at all. I have not had bouts of diarrhea, foul stools or gas. And no vomiting. I don't know if this will last or not. But as of now.. I am able to identify foods that seem to generate a lot of noise inside my belly, but none that pass out of it! I keep a mental tally of it in my head- what I can eat, what I have had a reaction to, and so forth.
Hope this helps!
At my original RNY surgery in 2002 I was 317 lbs.. In the next year and a half I went down to 138lb (but about 10 of that loss was after plastic surgery). In 2007 started to put weight back on. My revision was on 7/20. I started at 240 and now am at 216. I am shooting for 140 to 150 as my goal, but I will be ok with 160 if it is all I can manage. Time will tell. As long as I remember the rules of the pouch and now overall body now, I don't imagine I can't get back to where I want to be..