Lap Band Revision to Bypass instead of VSG??

on 7/2/15 7:14 am
Revision on 06/02/15

Hi. My story is similar to yours. I started this portion of the journey because I was omeprazole dependent and my weight was going up because all I could seem to get to "go down" was the bad stuff!  

My original band surgeon was in Mexico, but sadly, Dr. Aceves was killed in a plane crash :( So I could not return to him for a revision. I used a doctor in Texas and he essentially told me that the only way he was going to successfully repair my hiatal hernia was to remove the band and do a bypass. He said there were no 100% guarantees either way, but that my best odds were with the bypass over VSG. I had the removal/repair/revision on June 2 and I do not regret it a bit. I have not had one episode of acid reflux. Immediately after surgery, doc told me to reduce my omeprazole to every other day because quitting cold turkey can cause unnecessary, excess stomach acids.  Yesterday was my one-month post op and he told me I can quit taking the omeprazole. Yippee! One less thing to keep track of and one less thing to pop in my mouth! 

Recovery has been harder than I imagined, but he did have to do an open procedure due to the ridiculous amount of scaring tissue from the band, and then of course - all the other stuff lol.  But I know by the end of summer I'll be back to myself and can start back on track with life. 

Good luck with your decision, and your procedure! 

12.25.08 - Starting Weight: 408...7.30.09 - Surgery  Weight: 336

 6.2.15 - Revision Surgery (Lap removal/RNY) Wt: 295


on 7/2/15 9:04 am

Good to hear!  I am leaning towards the duodenal switch instead of the bypass after doing a lot more reading.  Higher cost but I have arthritis and need to take ibuprofen every so often so I can enjoy life!  

on 7/2/15 3:36 pm - TX

You do realize that the DS is a sleeved stomach with intestinal re-routing for malabsorption - so you still have the sleeve.  If you have significant GERD now, the sleeve could make it worse.  Most docs say that the sleeve is not recommended for anyone who currently suffers from GERD.  Of course, on the other hand, some people had their GERD resolved because a hiatal hernia was responsible for it, so when the hernia was repaired, the GERD went away.  I have the sleeve and love it, but I would have gone with the bypass if GERD or any problems with the esophagus were present.  Best of luck in making your choice - it's not an easy decision.

on 7/2/15 3:45 pm

Yes I was aware of that.  I had originally thought the sleeve, but then was told that the RNY would be better because of the GERD.  They took down my hiatal hernia repair to put in the lap band and now that it's slipped a bit, the GERD is back.  Saw my regular doc today who said that the omeprazole seems to be controlling it very well though - and changed my eating habits.  Since I need to take ibuprofen for arthritis to remain somewhat comfortable - I leaned away from the RNY.  So much to learn!  Everyone's input is very helpful!

on 7/3/15 4:25 am

I had a lap band first and the band failed. Then I had a gastric bypass. What a horrible mistake. I only lost 50 pounds and then like a vengeance the weight started coming back. I eat a very strict diet and when I started gaining weight I was looked upon as a failure and have not been seen by the doctor for nearly a year. I have asked for help several times and told "You had gastric bypass surgery, what more do you want." I feel as though I have been deserted and I have NO where to turn. Do I eat crazy stuff NO. No French fries, no ice cream, no pies, no cakes, and I have to eat Gluten free. If I so much as eat any amount of carbs I get very sick and break out in a sweat until I don't have a dry thread of clothing on.

My suggestion to you is do what you feel right. Talk to several people who have had the surgery. If I had it to do over I would have had the band removed and then let my self heal and try like the devil to do it on my own. Now I have no choice, I am stuck as my new insurance does not cover this type of cosmetic surgery.

Good Luck.......

Queen JB
on 7/3/15 6:03 am
RNY on 07/20/15

Hi, I am new to these boards. My story of a failed band mirrors yours quite a bit. I was banded in 2009--had a great start and then quickly started throwing up everything. The intense pain/pressure in my chest, reflux and vomiting has been nightmarish. I have managed to keep my weight relatively low (maintained a 50lb loss for 6 years) but I am just miserable and ready for a new surgery!

i am revising to the RNY in 2 weeks. I was given the option for the sleeve, but I opted for the bypass for the following reasons:

1. Although the sleeve really does sound fantastic, back in 2009 the band sounded pretty great, too. No more "new" surgeries for me! I want the old gold standard, tried and true, no surprises in a few years!

2. I HATE reflux. I want to give my poor esophagus a break. 

3. If I chose the sleeve, I would have to have 2 surgeries-- one to remove the band, then wait a few months to heal, then have a second surgery. No thanks! 

4. I have been really good about following the rules as much as I can with this band. I have an extremely hard time eating healthy, good-for-me food because it literally will not stay down, and so I have found relief in sugary foods, because they stay down!  I am looking forward to a little help kicking my new sugar habit, and so dumping sounds like a welcome tool.

Everyone is different, so I know my decision is my own, but I am excited and hope I can be back on the board in a few months to tell you it worked for me!

  • High Weight before LapBand: 200 (2008)
  • High Weight before RNY: 160 (2015)
  • Lowest post-op weight: 110 (2016)
  • Maintenance Weight: 120 (2017-2019)
  • Battling Regain Weight: 135 (current)

on 7/3/15 7:39 am - Lutz, FL
RNY on 06/12/15

Similar story here.  Had the band, did great, had a kid and vomiting during pregnancy caused it to slip.  Developed serious reflux and GERD.  Was to the point where I was aspirating stomach acid in the middle of the night.  Thought about revision to the sleeve because it is so popular, but my doctor said to go with the gold standard because of the amount of weight I have to lose, and that the sleeve would not correct my GERD and reflux, but bypass would.  So I went with RNY and since I have been out of the hospital I have been able to sleep flat and have not taken any reflux or acid meds once.

LapBand Weight 460 (2006) | Panni Removal Weight 200 (2008) | 3rd kid (2009)
Revision to RNY Weight 355 (June 2015)


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