New Here (Again) - Hello

Heather M.
on 3/3/15 9:18 am - MI

Hello everyone. I am not new to OH, in that I had a successful RYN 5/24/11, but I am back here, seeking support as I prepare for my upcoming revision surgery. It is currently scheduled for April 8th, 2015 with the same surgeon as before.


I will keep you updated, as things progress, but just thought I'd check in to let you all know I'll be logging in daily for the support and information I'll need both before and after, and if you see me around, say "hey"! I'll re-update my profile, as it's been years since I've been here last.

on 3/3/15 12:45 pm

Hi!  Good luck on the revision.  What are you revising too, or are you just having your current surgery tweeked (or fixed).

For me, my  revision was a do-over, a chance to do the things I should have done the first time and not do the things I shouldn't have done.

It's worked out well for me and I hope it works out as well for you, too.


WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

Heather M.
on 3/4/15 12:04 am - MI

Thanks so much! Sure, let me give you some info. I had a RYN on 5/24/11. Was up to about 280. After the initial year, was down to a solid, and acceptable 190/195. However, bad habits set in and I began drinking beer. A lot. October 2012, I had an ulcer eat its way through right below the stoma and I had to go in for emergency surgery. Because it was not planned, I had to go to a closer hospital, not the same one I went to for the RYN. They are a medical teaching hospital, and although I explained to them thoroughly about my pouch, etc, they weren't worried about that, they were worried with saving my life. About 2 - 3 months afterward I was starting to feel hungry much more often, and I was able to eat a lot more in one sitting. I know 95% of it was my fault. Not taking baby bites, stretching my pouch, drinking as well. I didn't follow the rules, but I also feel like the ulcer repair surgery may have stretched out the stoma, as they had to go in there to fix the ulcer. I am by no means passing blame. I know it was all my fault. I believe the actions that led to my ruptured ulcer led it to fail and allow food through faster, thus making me hungry.


Along with the drinking, and extra ability to eat, I gained back about 30 to 40 pounds, now (depending on whose scale) between 230 and 235.

God gave me a second chance, and the doctor is going to "re do" the RYN. He claims the revision can be done two ways. First by going down your throat and fixing it that way, or essentially just re-doing the entire procedure. He mentioned he has more luck with the later. So I anticipate basically going throug it all again. But this time I will do it right. Small bites, stop when full, and most importantly, for my health for my ulcer and for the same of my relationships: NO ALCOHOL. I let it take me over.

But I am happy for the fresh start and I see you have been ever so successful. Any tips you can share would be great. Like: how can I transition from swallowing huge mouthfuls of not thoroughly chewed food to baby bites small and slow like they say? I tried it in the beginning, but as I got farther and farther out I felt myself devoring huge mouthfuls of food, when you should not. This probably contributed to my pouch stretch. Also, how do you "learn" to not drinnk and eat within 30 minutes. I also tried, but again.. as I got farther out, and we'd go out to dinner, etc... I'd fall back into my old ways.


One good thing I have going for me is that I began training for a 5k, so I'm excited to do that, so I know re starting exercise after surgery will be funner and easier this time because I want to.


Thanks for saying hi!

Douglas R.
on 3/4/15 1:24 am

Hi Heather:

I hope your revision goes well and am sorry to hear of your ulcer situation.  I was wondering if that caused significant blood loss - requiring a transfusion?  Just wondering.

I too got in the habit of drinking beer - not hard alcohol.  I wondered if I ws an alcholic.  I was able to quit pretty much cold turkey with no withdrawl.  My counsler said I was a binge drinker.  The danger with drinking and RNY is causing liver damage and other issues with your health.  It also affected my metabolism in that I can hardly lose weight even on a restricted calorie diet.  I had a job that centered on entertainment of clients and a lot of "mixers".  Add to this, using beer as a coping mechanism to escape life's problems.  I resolved most of my issues, quit my job, changed my perspective and got off of alcohol.  I am doing so much better - but, eat more now that I don't drink.  I don't plan to ever drink again.

I was wondering if you have made this resolve or if you are still struggling?  If you are struggling - keep seeking help from this board and get some professional help.  You are not alone by any means.


Heather M.
on 3/5/15 11:13 pm - MI

Hi there! Sorry it took me so long to respond, I am like a maniac at work. Oddly, there was no blood. I had been being trated for the ulcer with carafate (is that the correct name, I think so), it's a medicine that coats your ulcer to let it heal. Well, one night, I had a few too many and the ulcer that was already there, in my intestine, just actually perforated through. The area around it was already "sickly" or eaten down, so think of it as the ulcer essentially just reaching bottom. there was no blood. Just extreme pain. It actually felt the same as right after my RYN with all that extreme gas pain. I actually though it was just gas. But EXTREME gas. Turns out it was a tiny ***** hole, but the demanded immediate surgery.


Luckily, I woke up to this about 4 am, so I hadn't eaten or drank anything in several hours and my stomach was emtpty. I think this contriibuted to the miracle by which I am still alive. Had I had food or particles in my intestines or stomach, they might have been let out and Septecemia may have set in.

I am still struggling with this issue and I thank you for your kind words. As I am within the 30 day mark of my surgery I stopped drinking entirely, and I know after surgery I will not drink during the recovery phase. I remember even water made me hurl sometimes. But I fear that after everything is healed, I may revert back to the bad habit, so I am going to check with my insurance (AFTER the surgery) to see if they cover some type of class or counseling. I do not want to say anything before the surgery in fear they might not cover it, we all know how red tape goes.

Thank you for your kind words! How is your weight loss going now that things have changed? Are you finding places to go walking/running, etc? Luckily when it warms up I can continue training for my 5k, and let's hope this cold goes away soon!

on 3/8/15 3:30 am - El Cajon , CA

Hi. I'm pretty new here myself, and seeking support for a revision after an RNY in 2003. I just wanted to share my experience with drinking with you. . I remember having my first drink after surgery and it affected me much differently than before surgery.  It was BAM instant effects and then later on down the line when I had major stress I was unable to eat enough to relieve it and I turned to alcohol.  From there it was a downhill spiral.  For me the only way to quit was through a 12 step group.  I still attend regularly and have been sober for almost 9 years.  If you want to talk to me about this please feel free. 


Susan in San Diego 

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