Would this be considered Distal RNY or DS?

on 12/31/14 4:51 am

It's a distal


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 12/31/14 5:08 am

Op, there are many people living a completely "normal" as normal can be post WLS. Don't let someone who has no idea what post life with it make assumptions and scare you. 



"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



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on 1/1/15 9:47 am - Irvine, CA

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on 1/1/15 3:35 pm - Buffalo, NY
Revision on 01/21/13

I'm a distal revision. I'm 2 years out this month and lost all my regain. I now am sensitive to dairy so I use almond milk now.  I've had to add a b12 shot monthly along with iron and dry vitamin d to my daily vitamins. I'm not too sure where this "horrible world" people with distal are suppose to be living. I do have a few extra bowel movements a day. I've been following up with my surgeon and primary. Just had labs done about 2 weeks ago and see my surgeon for follow up next week.  I usually hang on Facebook, not on here too much. Feel free to private message me. Good luck in wherever your journey takes you. 

January 8, 2007 - RNY - HW: 285, LW: 135

January 21, 2013 - Revision - Distal RNY: HW: 235, CW: 135


on 1/2/15 9:54 am
Revision on 07/05/16

Hi AngelicMythology!

I'm in the jumping hoops process of a revision to a distal. I had my metabolic rate checked and I require 1600 calories at rest (for 230 lbs). I was actually gaining on 1600-1700 calories! I did a supervised diet/exercise for 9 weeks and lost 3 lbs on 1100 calories and av 250 calories of daily activity! My surgeon wanted to start me on medication that would decrease my appetite and increase my metabolism. All 3 different meds were contraindicated with my Lexapro. He wants me to continue the diet and I will see him in 2 months (early Feb). He feels this will give the insurance enough time to OK the revision. The shortest common channel he will do is 150cm.  I am looking forward to resolving this chronic constipation!


on 1/6/15 12:51 am

What doctor are you using for your revision ?




on 1/7/15 12:34 pm
Revision on 07/05/16

the same surgeon who did my original surgery. 

randy S.
on 1/6/15 3:18 am, edited 1/6/15 3:28 am - brooklyn, NY

Congrats on ur fantastic weight lose....what probiotic do you use. I also have erny. I wish i could get down to 135. I look good at 5'10, 195.  but 150 would be fantastic. I  Went  from 265 to 195. Btw.....I was revised in 2011 so I've been 195 for last 3 years.  Any pointers how I could pass the 190 mark I've been there a few times  but keep popping up to 195.

I swim 3 miles  3x week and work out on Elliptical  the other 4. 190 sounds big but at size 14/16  am in good health. Bloods perfect,resting heart rate 50. But 150 still sounds great to me 

Angelic did u use Buffalo surgeon? If not who did u use 


Mary B.
on 1/4/15 9:15 pm - Southern, MD

Im concerned with the few times Ive heard people post that this is the 'worst of both worlds'. I have had NO problems with my pouch. Im more than happy to keep it. If I have the opportunity to increase malabsorption, Im interested in researching it. That is why Im here.

I havent been here recently, but I am quite familiar with the community. I have researched my surgery and am researching my possible revision. Thats why I asked the question.

If I could have had the DS after my band I would have. That meaning, if there had been a surgon in my local area. I do not want to travel and did not want to travel for my revision. I appreciate everyone's input and take everything with a grain of salt as I learned to years ago.

My confusion lies in the diet. High fat seems to contradict the point. It was explained to me that you need high fat in order to absorb some fat, which is humanly necessary. That makes sense. Im afraid to S**T my pants! The diet between Pouch (RNY) and Sleeve (DS) are different. Is the diet based on the malabsorption or the pouch/sleeve? That is what Im asking.

    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 1/8/15 12:59 am

The 'average' DSer only absorbs about 20% of the fat she eats. I've not seen any numbers on fat absorption for the distal RNY, but I'd think they'd be pretty similar. It has to do with the amount of small intestine bypassed, not the stomach portion so much.

A Sleeve doesn't cause ANY malabsorption. A DS has a Sleeved stomach, but a huge intestinal bypass, which diverts the bile necessary in order to digest fat from all but the lat little bit of the small intestine. I know that if *I* don't eat a LOT of fat, I can't poop. I also need to eat a lot of fat to combat dry skin and hair. Most people need about 30 grams of fat a day to function. In order to ABSORB 30 grams a day, most DSers need to EAT about 150 grams. The reason we eat that much fat and still lose weight/have great cholesterol number sis because what you don't absorb doesn't affect you.


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