Would this be considered Distal RNY or DS?

Mary B.
on 12/30/14 9:06 pm - Southern, MD

Hi everyone! Long time no see (if anyone remembers me :)

Short and sweet history:

Height 5'9/ Starting weight 298- Recommended goal 165 (42 years old today)

2009: lap band. lost 30lbs. band slipped. Revised to RNY in 2010. Lowest weight I got to was 225 (maybe lasted for a week). My lowest average is 230-240. that seems to be the low that my body is comfortable at. (More history- Ive been overweight since about 4 years old. Was 5'9 180 in 6th grade and grew heavier from there)

severe back problems compiled with steroids over the past year and a half, I have gained 30-40 lbs. I have my back somewhat under control after nerve burn and with acupuncture.  Im now 270-276 and trying to stop this train. I was researching stomaphyx and the sclerotherapy. I found that my original band surgeon's office (well, his new office) does the stomaphyx and I went to see him. Yeah, I know the results are crappy... but I was grasping at straws here.

He proposed a study he is currently working. Basically keeping my pouch and shortening the limb and moving it closer to the colon. The picture he drew for me (he drew an actual picture) was the RNY pouch with more intestines bypassed. It looked like the DS. I even said 'that looks like DS' and he said Yes.

After all that, my question, for my research purposes... Should I research Distal RNY or DS? for diet planning purposes? Do distal RNY patients have the same bowel/fat/vitamin issues as DS'ers?  I need to do my own research and go in prepared. Im having an endoscopy and after the results from that I can give the Dr my answer. 

I'll definately ask him this question, but I get obsessive and cant wait that long. Thank you! :) 

    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 12/30/14 9:47 pm

oh my goodness you poor dear, band to RNY and you are contemplating ERNY?  you are going from a bad surgery to the worse, stay far away from ERNY and your only decision at this point should be who can do my RNY to DS conversion.  DS is a difficult surgery, and ERNY is offered due to the surgeon preference not the patient's as I don't believe any well informed patient would choose that surgery.  with a ERNY you would have the worse of both worlds, you will have a crappy life and never be normal with it, DS you have the chance to be.  I would suggest seing one of 2 surgeon in the USA, Drs Keshishian and Rabkin, both located in CA, they have the most experience.  I warn you to be very careful who you allow to perform surgery on you especially with your repeat surgical history.  keep researching to get your answers, don't do anything out of haste, do the best for you, you will have to travel just accept that you are worth it, appeal your insurance if you have to if you are denied etc, don't settle, find a REAL DS surgeon who can advise you.  Happy birthday to you and I wish you well in deciding you future.

on 12/31/14 5:04 am, edited 12/31/14 6:25 am

I think you should speak from experience and not "from what you heard". It's not always because you assume the surgeon can't or refuses to do what you assume is a superior revision. Sometimes it is not possible to restore your pyloric valve and you shouldn't assume you know a persons particular situation. I was told that personally but Dr Roslin.  You are passing terrible information. I have been around a long time and have seen an awful lot. I have also had my share of complications so there is No One more informed in this situation. 

Now scoot back to the DS board.   



 Had to edit. Had Rabkin on the brain. It was Roslin who I consutled with. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



Zee Starrlite
on 12/31/14 5:32 am

Wow, Airbender has ALWAYS been awesome and extremely helpful! WTH!  I want her to stay here!

I am sorry for your troubles and also thankful you are here sharing your experience & wisdom.  It is not necessary for you to be so harsh in every situation. ERNY should be a last solution.  All of the endoscopic tightening solutions have proved to be disappointing and simply a waste of time.

Maybe you know this person personally and you know her only option if she decided on a revision is a distal RNY.  In that case that option can be worked out if not considered and worked out lightly.

Chilli, you are pretty smart - you make sure to be well informed and compliant.  You know how to take care of yourself.  Many people here do not and are not the least bit curious. Sometimes it is really irresponsible of surgeons to do any WLS on people especially super malabsorbtive surgeries like the DS or ERNY.

I wish everyone well.

All best,


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 12/31/14 6:37 am

I stand by what I said. Unless you have walked in someone's shoes or lived with a particular surgery. Making statements like hers are uniformed and misleading. I'm informed, I have had 3 revisions due to medical complications/surgical failures...gastrogastric fistula, gastrectomy.  I have been tortorured by wls, don't tell me anything unless you have walked in my shoes.  I have a true distal and I thank God.  I still have the pouch that I love, because it keeps me honest with sugar and I distal bottom. 

I don't care for comments concerning things someone only heard 3rd party from others who like to promote one surgery over another.  


This is girl is going on her 3rd revision.  Don't tell her doctor is only advising one surgery because he is unskilled or is unequipped or has a devious ulterior motive.  




"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 12/31/14 7:41 am

Do me a favor Layla.  Tell Suevsg I logged out and read what she wrote. Whoever she is please tell her blah blah blah. 


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



on 12/31/14 7:25 am
On December 31, 2014 at 1:04 PM Pacific Time, Chilipepper wrote:

I think you should speak from experience and not "from what you heard". It's not always because you assume the surgeon can't or refuses to do what you assume is a superior revision. Sometimes it is not possible to restore your pyloric valve and you shouldn't assume you know a persons particular situation. I was told that personally but Dr Roslin.  You are passing terrible information. I have been around a long time and have seen an awful lot. I have also had my share of complications so there is No One more informed in this situation. 

Now scoot back to the DS board.   



 Had to edit. Had Rabkin on the brain. It was Roslin who I consutled with. 

WOW, WTF!!  I am with Laylah, Zee Starlite, Airbender has always been extremely helpful, knowledgeable, non-judgmental.  Your comments are at best rude, and don't help the OP at all.  You lost all your credibility when you dissed a well respected member.  You are the most terribly misinformed person and a complete moron.  You should take your own advice, and know nothing of what you are talking about.

First- you are a dam hypocrite.  You say for someone to speak from experience then you quickly post what a dr tells you-time to look in the mirror you complete idiot.  And I would be very careful who you quote as a reference.

Secondly- the OP asked "Should I research Distal RNY or DS?"  a response was given and you bash the response-why since you don't like the truth?  There was nothing in the response saying she knew the persons particular situation, again you are a hypocrite.  You are passing your own judgments across as direct knowledge, experience, clearly they are not or you would not use I was personally told by Dr Roslin.  Which will it be speak from experience or from what you heard as you pointed out, or is that just for others; again the mirror is handy now.

Thirdly- I don't give a rat's ass about what you have seen or heard, nothing you ever post I will give credence to, you lost credibility, I am with Zee Starlite, and BTW you can ask her all you want she has EXPERIENCE as Dr Roslin was her surgeon. 

Fourthly- miss know it all, how do you know Airbender has not had more complications than you and more revisions than you-exactly you don't.  You are doing exactly what you are telling her not to, hypocrite much?  That mirror you need is getting used quite a bit.  block time.

Now scoot back to your asylum. 

on 12/31/14 10:41 pm
DS on 11/28/14

Why would you tell someone to "scoot on back to the DS board"?

As if they don't have a right to post on this forum just like you do?

How incredibly rude and sanctimonious of you!

Airbender is absolutely correct. Barring some medical reason that makes it impossible, revising from RNY to DS IS the better and healthier option to than revising from RNY to Distal RNY. 

To the OP, read read read and research research research and I think you'll cone to the same conclusion. Don't take anyone's word for it..study it and you will see for yourself. 


randy S.
on 1/6/15 3:09 am - brooklyn, NY

You are totally correct. I Had  98' rny  revised to erny in  2011 with dr. Greenbaum. I feel great. Look great.  Compliant with vits and could not have had ds. Dr G said my rny configuration could only be revised to erny.  Every patient has to do their due diligence. 

on 12/31/14 6:43 am, edited 12/31/14 6:44 am
On December 31, 2014 at 5:47 AM Pacific Time, airbender wrote:

oh my goodness you poor dear, band to RNY and you are contemplating ERNY?  you are going from a bad surgery to the worse, stay far away from ERNY and your only decision at this point should be who can do my RNY to DS conversion.  DS is a difficult surgery, and ERNY is offered due to the surgeon preference not the patient's as I don't believe any well informed patient would choose that surgery.  with a ERNY you would have the worse of both worlds, you will have a crappy life and never be normal with it, DS you have the chance to be.  I would suggest seing one of 2 surgeon in the USA, Drs Keshishian and Rabkin, both located in CA, they have the most experience.  I warn you to be very careful who you allow to perform surgery on you especially with your repeat surgical history.  keep researching to get your answers, don't do anything out of haste, do the best for you, you will have to travel just accept that you are worth it, appeal your insurance if you have to if you are denied etc, don't settle, find a REAL DS surgeon who can advise you.  Happy birthday to you and I wish you well in deciding you future.

"DS is a difficult surgery, and ERNY is offered due to the surgeon preference not the patient's as I don't believe any well informed patient would choose that surgery. with a ERNY you would have the worse of both worlds, you will have a crappy life and never be normal with it" . Bull****


"The first thing I do in the morning is brush my teeth and sharpen my tongue." --- Dorothy Parker  

"You may not like what I say or how I say it, but it may be just exactly what you need to hear." ---Kathryn White



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