complications due to leak

Linda K.
on 1/26/14 1:23 am - Omaha, NE

I am finally home after spending 2 weeks in the hospital.  I am home with a feeding pump and still on clear liquids due to an internal leak.  I may have to go back and have it repaired if the leak doesn't fix itself  Has anyone out there been through this?  FYI-  I haD a revision from vbg to erny due to horrible stomach pain and complications I have lived with for years.  Please  let e know it gets better.  I am tired,sore and a bit deflated.  Any words of wisdom please?  Thanks









on 1/27/14 6:22 am - Evansville, IN

Hang in there! I had my first RNY surgery with a stapled pouch in 1993 and a revision in 2007. Experienced a number of complications with my revision, including a leak which required having an auto-expanding titanium stent in my esophagus for six weeks which was most uncomfortable to say the least. Despite it all, I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

Best wishes,

on 1/27/14 7:09 am - Mexico
 Your current situation is one that will require time and patience on your part.  The good news is that  most difficult part is over, now it is a  just matter or waiting, giving it time.   When treating a leak there are 4 things that are important in my opinion.  1) Time and patience 2) Being  well nourished and supplemented with protein ( glutamine and protein shakes)  3) Leak being drained properly  4) Not using the area where the leak is.    The normal  outcome of these is for the leak to close on it's own. 6- 8 weeks is a good time frame  to expect to see this happen. Not everyone heals at the same rate of course, you may heal sooner or later than this but it is a good time fame to consider  for healing.    You do not explain what type of feeding you  are  getting  ( gastrostomy or nasoenteric);   the "foods" taken with each are different.  It is my suggestion that you do not have anything by mouth during all this  healing period,  you need to  let the body heal the leak by not using the part of the stomach where it is located.  I am not sure if you mean you  are having clear liquids by mouth.  This is the only thing that concerns me about your post. It is key in my experience.    Be patient,  it does heal and relatively fast if you are getting proper medical treatment.    Revisions are not easy surgeries and  risks are higher but the benefits will be many once this is over.  It is my wish for you that once you have healed you are able to enjoy the benefits of your bypass and live a healthier life.    Take Care,    Alberto Aceves


Dr. Alberto Aceves

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