scared and looking for similar stories
Lots of us have been through a similar situation with our Bands. Removal and Revision were the best ways to go in my case and no regrets at all. The experience is completely different from the Lap Band and I must say that for me it has been much easier. I am following my plan, figuring out what works best for me and the weight is falling off. I am able to eat normally and it's easy to make good decisions as I am motivated by the weight loss and how good I feel in my shrinking body and also because I am not hungry. It is a truly wonderful.
I am glad you are able to have a revision and while mine was to RNY, I know there are lots on OH who chose the sleeve and are doing well. Good luck on your journey - hang in there it's worth it!
The sleeve works, the sleeve with DS works BETTER! But no WLS works at all if we dont follow the Doc/NUT plan, period. WLS is a tool, and must be used properly, if you dont use the hammer and the saw properly, you will never build a house, right? I had DS in 2000, didnt follow any of the post op plan, because I was losing weight, while eating all the crap I was supposed to avoid, but after weight loss stage, it went right back on and I am getting resleeved Jan 16. So, if you follow the plan to the "T" you will most likely, read 99%, be a huge success, but if you cheat, you will fail. As blunt and truthful as possible. Dont cheat. Eat right, exercise, vitamins, protein, etc and you will be fine. Good luck