Lap Band Erosion
I'm so glad I found this board! I was banded in 2007 and had few problems. But the weight started creeping up - thought I just needed a fill. My new Dr. (I have moved to a new state) made me do a Barium swallow and today I had an endoscopy. He said my band was growing into my stomach! So band will have to be removed.
I was shocked! I had never heard about it. So now we decide on bypass - don't yet know which one. I don't have reflux.
This forum has a wealth of info and I need to become more informed. Thanks.
Erosion is more common than you might think. If you don't have reflux and did well with just the restriction of the band before erosion, the sleeve/VSG would be a good match for you. It is a restriction only surgery. I do know you have to have the band removed and the stomach to heal before the revision to sleeve. If you have any question just PM me.
Band to sleeve and kicking butt after 5 years trying to get it right.
Getting scared about side effects of this band growing into stomach. I hope the removal won't be a major abdominal surgery. But the port also has to go.
Seeing Dr. Thursday. Not sure I want any further bariatric surgery - 65 yrs old - should be able to shape up on my own right? Feeling blue - I loved the feeling of steadily losing wt. with the band.
I had my band removed and an RNY done on 9/6. I will tell you it is a big surgery even though it's laproscopic. My band had slipped but no erosion and I had plenty of scar tissue. They will remove the port and the band and I found that the port site is where most of my pain was (pain hasn't been the issue with recovery). You stomach will need some tender loving care after the removal and I am sure you'd be placed on a liquids only diet for a little bit. I can't blame you a bit for not wanting to do anything but take out the band. If I didn't have some pretty serious co morbidities I very well might have decided to just have the band removed. Good luck!
With an Erosion, they should be removing the band and then letting it heal before doing another surgery. I understand the wanting it out and than no other surgery. I have head it a lot with many deciding to have a revision months one a year and a half later. You can always cross that bridge when you get to it. Now just get that band out before more damage it done and heal. Take care of yourself.
I have seen some revise at the time of an erosion but, that always ended in a RNY. If you want to have a choice of the two other surgeries you need to heal first.
Good luck and keep us up to date.
I am going in for my 1st follow today. So far I am on just liquids and will be for a least another week (3 weeks total post surgery liquid diet). So I really don't have anything to go on regarding the RNY yet...but from what I've read and heard on all accounts those who have had the band removed and chosen another form of WLS are very pleased. I had a family wedding too and had to postpone my surgery as well. Hang in there, surgery day will get here sooner than you think, in the mean time take care of YOU! One bit of advice, if you are on any medications start talking to your regular doc now to make sure there are formulas that you can take during post op. I didn't and when it came to my anti depressant there was an issue.