band removal approved
on 9/15/13 10:25 am
I will be getting it out in a few months due to some family health issues and also making sure my work has the staff to help my position out. Anyhow in planning all this I need to know how much time off work I will need. I took a full three weeks getting recovered from putting the band in so will it be the same?
Band removed and feeling alive with energy!
time off is dependent on many factors...when i had the lap band put in i had it on thursday and returned to work on monday, i had a 2 and 5 yr old at home, single mom, no one knew i had surgery and i DONT have a desk job. lap band expant was like freaking nothing, i went home after recovery and had grilled chicken with salad....real easy no real recovery at all....unless you have a problem you don't need that much time off, but do what your dr suggests...good luck in getting healthy