3 Years Ago Today XPost

on 7/23/13 7:51 am

Today is my 3 year anniversary of my revision.  I was not new to WLS.  I haven't had a normal digestive system since 2002 but in 2010 I had a revision to my original WLS due to side effects that pretty made the quality of my life pretty poor.  I had regained 100 lbs but I never would have had a revision just because of the regain.  In fact, I really don't think a person should have a revision because of regain alone, at least not without having some kind of treatment for whatever eating problems they may have that contributed to the first WLS not working well for them.  Don't get me wrong, I totally think that anyone with problems or mechanical failure should have those issues resolved but regain due to overeating and eating the wrong kind of foods most likely won't do any better with the second (or third or more) WLS if those issues aren't addressed. I had my revision to recover my health.  In the process I did a lot of soul searching and was completely honest with myself about why my first WLS failed so miserable and decided that since I was getting a second shot at this I would do my best to make it work this time.

Looking back on my last year I have to say it has been the best year I've had in a long.  My health is the best it has been in many years.  I would still like to put on a few pounds but it is not a matter of health but appearance.  All my health issues have been resolved or improved.  My biggest problems recently have been osteoporosis, which has responded well to Reclast infusion.  My DEXA scan recently showed a marked improvement and the bone loss has been reversed.  I was having issues with my iron dropping and becoming anemic and those numbers have gone up as well due to some tweaking of my supplements.  All my other labs have been perfect.  I watch them like a hawk and at the first sign of a downward trend I make adjustments.  My D level is great and staying steady.  At one point it was barely detectable.   I started out with a modified version of Vitalady's recommendations and have adjusted accordingly depending on my lab results.  I have gotten a lot of help from our lab guru's here, especially Gina.  The first year was rough, especially since I had to fight for ever lab test I got but now it seems to be on a good routine.

I found a job I liked last year after 3 years of unemployment and that has helped my financial situation a great deal.  My youngest child just turned 18 so after nearly 31 years of parenting my job is pretty much done and I am proud of all 5 of my adult children.  Not a bad one in the bunch.  All employed, contributing members of society, no jail or legal problems, no rehabs or drug problems, I have survived 5 teen agers and lived to tell.  My life is my own again and I am enjoying not being responsible for another human's life except my own.

The biggest deal for me today isn't that it's been 3 years since my revision but it's been 3 years since I have eaten destructively for myself.  I am what they call in Overeaters Anonymous abstinent.  For me that means not eating anything with sugar, gluten or refined carbs.  I'm not perfect because there is never anyway of knowing exactly what is in everything you eat but I have not intentionally taken any of those things in my body.  I can't really say what a typical day of eating looks like for me because it is different every day it seems.  I still seem to have a lot of restriction but there are days it seems like I can eat almost a normal amount of food and other days when I get full after a few bites.  I avoid snacking and grazing, although I do have several snacks in a typical day, but they are planned snacks and don't go on and on.  I still get in at least 100 oz of fluids a day and at least 100 grams of protein a day.

And most of all, my weight has been stable.  This is truly the longest I have stayed the same weight in my life.  I have never maintained a normal size for any amount of time before.  I weigh the same today as I did a year ago and two years ago.  I have some clothes that I bought in 2011 that still fit, although I am always buying clothes in thrift stores.  I weigh approximately 105 lbs and wear a size 2.  I wouldn't mind gaining a bit of weight and I still think it will happen eventually.  I hvaen't had the famous bounce back yet but it may be out there waiting for me.

Now, here are some pictures.  From top to bottom, the first one was exactly one month before my revision and then from one year, two years and now three years.  And of course, my prized possession, my new bike :)  That has been the biggest change.  I am actually active today.  I don't do it for weight or even to tone my body.  That ship has long sailed.  I do it for health and because it really does help my mental health.  My depression is under control and this has been the longest I have been pretty stable.  I take medication, the only prescription I am still on, other then Miralax and Vagifem.  I am a pill popper, though, I am always taking supplements, at least 4 times a day.  Not my favorite thing but I have gotten into a routine and I am used to it.


June, 2010



July 22, 2013 

July 2013

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

on 7/23/13 2:11 pm - Davison, MI

Congratulations on three years abstinent from bad eating.  You are so right about not get a second surgery until you resolve the eating issues.  I had medical problems with/from the band, that said I still went into therapy to deal with the eating issues before and during this revision.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

on 7/28/13 10:19 pm

What was your first WLS and what type of revision did you have.  You look great!

Kidda G.
on 7/29/13 11:40 pm
Congratulations! Your story is an inspiration. Way to go!!!
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