Anyone have stomach motility issues after revision?
I revised from band to sleeve April 29 and had some complications, but the final word was either 1) nerves needed to "wake up" or 2) slow stomach motility. I tend to think more #2 as food seems to sit in my stomach too long, especially of I lie down too soon after eating. Did anyone else experience this & did it get any better???
Thanks for any info!!
you are a band to sleeve revision---- unless I misunderstood you, banded patients have esophogeal motility issues usually (as I do) my esophogus is permanently damaged due to the band, but i did have it 8 years before i was revised. it may get better depending on how much damage you had....hopefully it will....
I am also band to sleeve 4/10/13. I have to chew it literally to mush and stop before I feel it in my esophogus. When it finally does come down, it keeps me full for hours which is why my liquid intake is so poor...about 53oz daily is max and that pushing myself. I'm about never hungry but eating chicken, turkey meatballs, cottage cheese, yogurt etc so i keep protein going in and my metabolism somewhat intact.
I had a severe dilation, took all the fill out and waiting almost 3 mos. Had my surgery and after 4 weeks started to feel better. I can drink protein shakes as of my 9th week so my body is getting what it needs.
My problem, and I dont know if any deal with this...slow motility/no motility of bowels. I've gone 1x since surgery on my own. My surgeon referred me to a Bowel Movement Clinic....never heard of that but i'm making an appt. Crummy thing is I feel great.
Be well,