MGB to RNY Revision - 4/24/13
Hi! I finally got my date for revision from MGB to RNY! I'm happy and scared at the same time. I am thankful the insurance approved it. I guess they felt bad that I couldn't eat anything due to the stricture. LOL I still can't believe I have to go through this all over again. Ugh. It's not like the first time where it was exciting because I had a goal and wanted to be skinny. I'm already skinny...too skinny actually, so sitting there eating liquids and pureed foods is going to suck, but I guess it'll have to be done.
Does anyone know if the revision diet is the same as the normal RNY post-op diet? I have to go to a class on Monday, but it's for the regular RNY patients. The doctor told me they would revise my diet according, so I'm just wondering what that means.