Just a little update - went to GBS, and seen PA yesterday-long,sorry:(

Heather V.
on 2/14/13 10:33 am

Hi everyone - I came back to the boards a couple weeks ago, and posted that I'm getting concerned about my weight gain of 45lbs, and that I was heading back to the surgeons office.  So yesterday was the big day, and I think it went well.  I talked with the PA about my diet, and LACK OF exercise, and my concerns about the needle going the other way.  He was very understanding, and went over my options.  Of course I need to journal my diet, and exercise for a couple weeks, send it to their dietician to review, and tweek things as needed from there.  He also said that all of my labs look wonderful, including all my vitamin levels, sugar, chloresterol, and protein, so that was encouraging.  I had explained my concerns of being hungry all the time, and my battle with hypoglycemia-been a problem before, during, and still.  That concerns him, so they are having me do a 24 hour urine to check for a possible tumor on my pancreas, as he said rarely is hypoglycemia a diagnosis on its own, and is usually a result of something else underlying. Anyone else struggle with this?  He also discussed that if after getting "back on track" if I am not losing weight, that he will do an EGD to make sure things are still small, and tight.  If not they will do sclerotherapy at that time as well.  I also struggle with GERD, in a very major way!  He said that he is concerned that my pouch has too much acid, and what they do in that case is go back in, and "remake" the pouch-disconnect, and reconnect-anyone ever heard of that?  He made it sound as if its some kind of revision????  We didn't go into many details on any of the invasive treatments, as he said that would be "down the road" if I am still struggling with the problems I have mentioned.  I thought I would be disappointed and discourage with this conservative approach, but surprisingly I'm not.  I have decided to put my best foot forward and do what is asked, and expected of my as a post op GBS patient, and see if I can succeed.  After all I still have that tool (hopefully, and at least I think I do).  I mean, I still get things stuck, I still get dumping, and I still get full fast, so thats a good sign that my "tool" still works, right guys???  Thats what I'm telling myself anyway, and I guess its time that I get honest with myself, and realize that I may have deviated from the basics, resulting in the weight gain!!!  I pray my hard work will pay off!  I'm starting myself on a "jump start" plan of protein drinks, stric****er intake, and as much exercise I can get!!!  I haven't done protein shakes since 2 weeks post op, so I'm open to any suggestions, as well as protein powder suggestion, for that matter anything that is with in the guidelines!!!  I would appreciate any ideas, suggestions, recipes, or even just reminders of the basics we need to live by everyday.  This board has always been such a great resource, and I know I can count on the people here to encourage me, and give me the strength & support to get through this trouble.  I just don't want to battle this anymore, and thought my years of it were done, however I'm coming to accept that they never will be, and I am okay with that!!!  Just don't wanna be "that person" who gained all her weight back after surgery, but more so I want to love how I feel, and who I am!!!

Thank you all - Heather

on 2/15/13 1:27 am

Hi Heather,

 I struggled with many of the things you have mentioned above. I had RNY back in 2006. I lost 50lbs thens topped losing. I couldn't understand why I wasn't losing and told my concerns to my surgeon who basically blew me off. I found out several years later that I h ad a fistula. My stomach had managed to reattach itself creating an opening to allow my food to go into the jujenum ad the duodonam. Even tho I would get full I found myself hungry not long afterwards. My surgeon told me there was no way I could lose weight the way my body had rearranged itself. This isn't very common but it does happen. Ask your Dr to do an upper GI with a barium swallow so he can see exactly where your food is going. An EGD will show some of that but always good to do the other too. 

I am having a revision done on the 19th of March. I don't really want to go thru all of this again but I can't I can't leave things the way they are either. I want to have what I set out to have. My surgeon feels the best way to go is to revise to the DS and I agree. I am hoping there isn't too much scar tissue so they can do the DS..

Good luck!


Heather V.
on 2/15/13 3:11 am

Thanks for the reply Sharon, and good luck to you!!  I know the idea of surgery stinks, and if I reach that point I will do it too, if I have to!! No way, I will be 310lbs again-EVER! Right now just starting out conservatively.  Its funny, because when I mentioned to the PA about the possibility of a blind limb, he almost looked at me as to say  "no way possible", and didnt offer to do any testing that would show that.  He also said that there is no way for them to tell if there is any "activity" in the old stomach??? I guess right now I will just wait and see, and go ahead with the current test ordered to rule out the Insulinoma (pancreatic tumor, that produces high levels of insulin).  Thank again for the support, and I will watch for progress reports from you post-op!!!


Best wishes - Heather

on 2/16/13 12:29 am

Just want to add really quick here that it is possible to see whats happening in the stomach. You can watch the liquid fill both limbs and the old stomach on an upper GI- I've watched it myself so your Dr is wrong. You hang in there with this and insist on the answers!

Take care and I will do my best to keep you posted!

Heather V.
on 2/17/13 8:51 am

Thank you, and I thought so...he made his "opinion" quite obvious as to how he feels about re-visions, and I wasn't even pushing for that.  I was just trying for some answers, and "ruling out" anything that could hinder my own weight loss attemps!

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