New here, 12 yrs post,

who knows
on 2/5/13 1:46 am

Hello, I am 12 yrs post gastric bypass.Starting weight was 263.  I will try to make a long story in jan 2001 in KC.  Went to see th dr one time before surgery in  2000 within 3 mo i had the surgery and no follow up by the surgeon who did the bypass.  I relocated to OK in may 2001 at which time i was down to 212.  By aug of that yr i had discovered a hernia.  It was fixed and i had the tummy tuck also at te same time. After that surgery I was very unhealthy.  I was down to 115 evenually gaining 10 pds putting me at 125 within th first yr of surgery.  Now 12 yrs later, i am back to almost 200pds and on disability due to health issues.  I did not have any post op information from was like i had initial appt. said he would do it. Got my insurance to help, did surgery and that was pretty much it as far as my original surgern went.  Anyway, can someone tell me about a revision and why or how to go about looking into it?  Ask all th questions you want, I am sure i can explain what has happened in the past   yrs to gt m to this point.  thank you all for any and all advice/help.

Zee Starrlite
on 2/5/13 3:22 am

Surely you knew that you needed to seek information about your surgery post-op???  If you are indeed going to revise, may I suggest you research the heck out of it - not just here!  Please tell me you've been on top of your vitamins, protein, and such.


All Best,


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

who knows
on 2/5/13 5:55 am

thanks for responding.  First of all, I want others to understand that i am not blaming my surgeon or anyone else. it has been 12 yrs! A lot has hapened in those 12 yrs which contributed to gainig much weight back.  Some of those situations could have been handled differently had I known more then i did.  I am sure everyone is aware how important it is to be given not only this "tool" but also appropriate counciling in different area such as nutritician, phycological and a sound support system. I did do rsearch before my surgry. I was also a devoted poster in chat rooms on this site. Back then, this site was much different and usually we all went into chat rooms.  So , of course I heard of others experiences and what they had ben told ect. My surgeon didnt require a pshycological eval, i was offered no after support, in fact I lived about 1.5 hrs away from my dr. I just assumed it was by choice if someone needed after care or support.  i wish i could tell you i did the vitimins, proteins and such and stayed on top but to be totally honest, i didnt.  oh in th bginning i drank protein shakes in the beginning but after I was able to eat i stopped. When i would be on chat and hear what others doctors said for example, I would think maybe some things were for some people. since my dr didnt tell me I HAD to have a shot every month i didnt think it was THAT important.  I also think  yrs ago not as much was done to prepare a pt, maybe some drs required more then others.  I really thought back then i HAD done my homwork but in the past few yrs I realized there was a lot more i didnt know.

on 2/5/13 7:47 am - Palmer, AK

Please get a FULL set of labs!!!!  ASAP!!!!  The following labs and further down is a supplement list.  It is all information I use from VitaLady.  I have written one thing in red right after the lab information.


Not to be construed as medical advice. This list includes labs we have performed as gastric bypass patients.


1st Group (Every 3 to 6 months for life, as we are able)

 *8005               Comprehensive Metabolic profile: (sodium, potassium, chloride, glucose, BUN, creatinine, calcium, total protein, albumin, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase) 10231)

* 7600                 Lipid profile: (cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, chol/HDL ratio)

* 84100               Phosphorous – Inorganic: (718)

* 84550               Uric Acid: (905)

* 85025               Hemogram with platelets: (1759)

* 83550               Ferritin: (457)

* 84446               Vitamin A: (921)

* 84052               Vitamin B-1: (Thiamin) (4052)

* 7065                  Vitamin B-12 & Folate: (82607; 82746)

* 83937               Osteocalcin:

* 85610               PT:

* 86141               C Reactive Protein

* 84134               Pre-albumin:

* 10256               Hep panel: includes ALT (SPGT) & GGT)

* 83735               Magnesium:

* 7444                 Thyroid panel: (T3U, T4, FTI, TSH) (84437; 84443; 84479; 84480)

* 7573                 Iron: TIBC, % sat

* 84630               Zinc: (945)

* 8230                  Vitamin D: (25-hydroxy) (680)

* 84207               Vitamin B-6: (Pyridoxine)

* 83970               Serum intact: PTH

* 84597               Vitamin K:

* 85730               PTT:


2ND GROUP (Annually, as long as the results were comfortably within normal limits for more than 2 years in a row)


* 593                    LDH:

* 83921               MMA:

* 84255               Selenium:

* 82525               Copper:

* 31789               Homocysteine, Cardio:

* 367                    Cortisol:

* 84590               Vitamin E:


For diabetics:

*496                     HEMOGLOBIN A1C



269.2                             Hypovitaminosis

269.8                             Vitamin D deficiency

275.40                           Calcium deficiency

266.2                             Cyanocobalamin deficiency (B12)

281.1                             other B12 deficiency anemia

281.0                             Pernicious anemia

280.9                             Iron-deficiency anemia

281.2                             Folate deficiency anemia

285.9                            Anemia, unspecified

269.3                             Zinc deficiency

244.9                             Hypothryoidism

250.0                             Diabetes

401.9                             Hypertension

276.9                             Electrolyte and fluid disorders

272.0                             Hypercholesterolemia

*579.3                            Surgical malabsorption*

*579.8                            Intestinal malabsorption *

* Bands or sleeves should not use these codes as they are not accurate.

* Some insurance companies will not pay for any procedure that uses these codes.


This is NOT medical advice, just my own targets for the main blood levels I watch.


Also, Are you supplementing with ANY vitamins, AT ALL????  Even a Mulitvitamin????







Vitalady Basic Vitamin & Mineral Schedule for DRNY, ERNY, BPD & DS Patients

Updated 2/10/2010




1 Vitamin C 1,000mg

5 Tender Iron 60mg or 2 Polysaccharide = 300mg (elemental) (see note 1)

1 Copper 2mg



1 Vitamin A 25,000IU

1 Vitamin B-12 5,000mcg

2 Calcium 300mg = 600mg (elemental)

1 B Complex (see note 2) (see note 3)

1 Vitamin E 400IU

1 Multi Vitamin/Mineral (see note 4)

1 Zinc 50mg or 2 each 23mg



2 Vitamin A 25,000IU = 50,000IU

1 Vitamin E 400IU

2 Calcium 300mg = 600mg (elemental)

1 Multi Vitamin/Mineral (see note 4)

1 Vitamin D3 50,000IU

1 Zinc 50mg or 2 each 23mg

1 Vitamin B-9 Folic Acid 1,200mcg


Bed Time

2 Calcium 300mg = 600mg (elemental)

1 Vitamin A 25,000IU

2 Magnesium Citrate 140mg=280mg (elemental)

1 Vitamin C 1,000mg

1 Vitamin K-1 1,000mcg (see note 5)


With this plan you will be supplementing with the following daily vitamin and mineral dosages: Vitamin A 100,000IU; Vitamin B-

12 5,000mcg; Vitamin C 2,000mg; Vitamin D3 50,000IU; Vitamin E 800IU; Vitamin K-1 1,000mcg; 1 B-50 Complex; 2 Complete

Multi-Vitamin/Mineral; Calcium Citrate 1800mg (elemental); Copper 2mg; Iron 300mg (elemental); Magnesium Citrate 280mg

(elemental); Zinc 100mg; Vitamin B-9 Folic Acid 1,200mcg.


*** NOTES ***

Note 1 IRON is to be taken with Vitamin C, together but separated for at least 1 hour from caffeine, dairy, egg,

whole grain, other vitamins, and medications.

Note 2 B Complex is to be a B Complex 50 or higher.

Note 3 Regarding Vitalady Tender B Complex 50: Some customers have mentioned a tingling, rashy sensation

or redness in their extremities and face. This is a common reaction to the niacin (niacin flush) which

may be present for a short time. While doses as small as 75mg don’t usually cause any reaction, some

people are more sensitive. The sensation is short lived and harmless.

Note 4 Multi-Vitamin/Mineral composition should be similar to Centrum®.

Note 5 We suggest starting with 1000mcg K-1, please check with your doctor if you taking any blood thinners

or have any risks associated with Vitamin K.



This list suggests vitamin and mineral supplementation with a schedule. In addition we suggest that protein needs to be

supplemented as well. Since many people struggle to meet their protein needs, the following is our suggestion on how you might

address it. We suggest the use of Whey Protein powdered drinks as the best, most complete and highest bio-available protein

supplement source available.

Using protein supplements daily may help with volume control, appetite and craving control, along with meeting your daily

protein requirements.

Patients choosing this plan should drink 30 grams of protein four to five (4 - 5) times a day for a total of 120 - 150



RNY 2/26/2002                           DS 12/29/2011
HW 317                                     SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298                                     CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003  
TT 4/9/2003

Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!







GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**

who knows
on 2/5/13 9:38 pm

WOW  ty.  I have started a multivit. but wasnt sure how much of what i was suppose to be using at this point.  I have always wondered if my surgery tool would start working again after 12 yrs since I hadnt done this stuff from th beginning? I have a feeling my tool is not working regardless.  i am going to my reg. dr next week and will take this list of info you gave me and see if she can help.  i have had labs done a few times.  i am usually "slightly" anemic, vit d, i have been diagnosed with fibromyagia and some morening i cant not even bare to get up.  I have 4 grandchildren ages 3-9 and I cant even watch them, carry them ect.  i have recently went to cardiologist and had a stress test and ultrasound. it came back good.  You know, i have mentioned to a fw drs over the years that I thought maybe my surgery was what wwas causing some of my health issues and at the very most they would say, it is possible. i have been perscribed vit d so i take that also.  it is just frustrating that i am not able to do much agAIN DUE TO pain, excess tiredness. So if I get on this vit regiman will i have a better chance of my surgery working again? i really think it is stretched out. well, again, ty so much for your help. i need a lot of support right now and of course any info would be great! I feeel stupid since i am 12 yrs out and not knowing what the basic needs are.

on 2/10/13 10:39 pm - Palmer, AK


*************PLEASE, use the "dry" form of any and ALL vitamins****************  We do not absorb oil, it is basically wasted on us.

You can get them from

Here is her OH contact info, but you are better off going to her website: 



RNY 2/26/2002                           DS 12/29/2011
HW 317                                     SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298                                     CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003  
TT 4/9/2003

Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!







GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**

on 2/10/13 10:39 pm - Vancouver, WA

First thing I would do is get my regular doc to run labs and see where you are at that, some of your physical issues could be from vitamin deficiency because that affects the whole body, then get one a good vitamin regimen You should contact Vitalady she can tell you what you should be on.

Then I would go back to basics as far as eating which should be protein first, then non starchy veggies and if there is still room a few healthy carbs like brown rice or whole wheat items but limit the carbs. Actually a great diet for anyone is along the Atkins line or South Beach which concentrate on high protein/low carb type diet. Then journal every bite you eat and see where you need to make adjustments. I know exercise is difficult I have the same issues but even if you just sit in a chair and march from a sitting position it can help. Do it during commercials on TV, then rest and march again  next commercial. 

Also get on the RNY forum here they will give you a bunch  of support and food ideas. You need to see if your surgery is not working or if you aren't working your tool from lack of post op instructions. Also if you have emotional issues get into counseling so you can address that. THEN if your surgery  isn't working like it should I agree with the OP research the DS and  see if that is something you can do, it does involve alot of vitamin supplementation and it MUST be done with the DS or it can cause life threatening issues just like not taking vitamins with the RNY can. I wish you the very best and I hope you can get things back on track.

on 2/5/13 11:27 am - Davison, MI

Hislady has some great info for you!

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Member Services
on 2/5/13 11:23 pm - Irvine, CA

Great post  smileyjamie72!  Thanks for sharing! 

who knows
on 2/8/13 11:10 pm

I appricaiate everyones help and advice.  I really do need somone to guide me.  i want to get back on track and go back to feeling better.  my last child will be 18 in a few months and now it is my time to focus mor on my health. I will probably be posting a million times with a million questoins.....ty everyone.

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