RNY revision what to expect....
Hello! I'm 10 years out from my original surgery - had lap RNY. I lost 98 pounds, was able to keep it off for about 5 years then slowly began to gain it back, I'm back to 289. :( My Dr is going to do an open revision of my RNY, just make my pouch smaller and possibly extend the bypassed section of my intestines.
How much pain can I realistically expect with this procedure being open? The thought of having drains makes me a little nervous. How much weight could I realistically expect to lose?
This go 'round I'm in a much more stable place in my life. I am surrounded by folks that love me and support me. I am having the appropriate nutritional counseling (none the first time), psychological evaluation (none the first time), and a really great support group (none the first time either!). I truly feel that I'm ready. Any advice would be appreciated!! Thanks to all!! : )
on 1/30/13 12:14 pm
This revision is going to be a longer recovery and more pain than your first surgery. If you are going to go through the trouble of an open revision, you should really look into getting the DS - go onto their board and look into it. There are only a handful of doctors in the US that are capable of doing a RNY to DS revision and it is doubtful your doctor is one of them. That's why he is suggesting making your original RNY more "distal" (extending the bypass).
I haven't been on these boards for years, but have come back to research a revision procedure for a friend. The revision you are looking at used to be called an eRNY (meaning "extended RNY"). I haven't heard of anyone having success with it, and depending on how distal the new bypass was made, several people had "failure to thrive".
If the bypass was made distal enough for the necessary weight to be lost, the people suffered severe vitamin deficiencies. Those that didn't have the bypass made distal enough, barely lost any weight at all after the initial poundage from the pre and post surgery recovery period. Do you really want to go through an open surgery just to lose 20-30 lbs?
Please do yourself a favor and ask your questions on the DS board. It appears that you are choosing the wrong surgery for yourself a SECOND time!
I've had both open. This time around I was able to move around sooner and was able to walk around the hospital hallways with my lil go-go pole. I was in for 2 days. I get tired quickly though. I can't really add a lot since I'm so new but I thought I'd share what I experienced so far.
Feel free to contact me if you want to ask questions. I apologize ahead for spelling errors. This darn tablet, the auto correct spelling suggestions and my chubby fingers are a bad mix.