Help please-scared that Im going back!

Heather V.
on 1/24/13 9:32 am

Hey everyone- Im not new to the board, just new again.  I am 8.5 years out from surgery, and the weight is creeping back on me!!  Everything went well for many years, and in the last 1.5, I am gaining weight rapidly. I know I need to get in for an appointment to see my surgeon again, but I'm not even sure on how to go about asking for a revision, and what would qualify me for it, or if that will even be nessesary.  I think I still have a small pouch??? Sometimes I wonder though, as I definatly know it takes more to fill it these days.  I try so hard to be concious of this, and at times I still get food stuck, and I still get dumping, but the weight is piling on!!!  I know I can surely start excercising regulary, but I'm starting to have that old feeling of defeat.  Sorry that my page doesnt have a whole lot of info on my original process, as it was lost when OH recreated their website, so I will provide a time line.

Sept 2004 GBS Rouen-Y (fought insurance to get it)lost 90lbs at 6mo out (when I found out I was pregnant), Oct 2005 had a baby -oops, but continued to lose, even while pregnant.  Slowly lost weight for the next approx 4-5 years.  At about 6 years out I dropped the remainder, and got down to my lowest weight of 138, and I felt amazing! Im not gonna lie, a lot of that weight loss was stress related, however I was trying to maintain it.  That was my last weight loss, and it was in summer 2011.  Now here we are winter 2013, and Im back up to about 190-I will be honest I havent checked for a good month, because I am scared!!!!  I just know that I feel very overwhelmed right now, and I need to see what my options are.  I still stick to most of the rules, and haven't really deviated from the original plans, so IDK what to do?!?!?  Any suggestions will be appreciated!!! As I got to thinking tonight, I knew right where to head for support, and that here!  This board, and all the people on here were a life saver (literally) when I had my original GBS!  Please respond, if you think you can help.  I don't want to get the idea in my head that surgery is the only option, but if thats what it takes to never see 310 again, then I will be signing up!  


Thanks - Heather

on 1/24/13 10:17 pm - MA

Hi Heather,

I've just returned to this site as well, after several years.  I had RNY in 2005, and like you, lost 130 lbs, kept it off for a few years and it has slowly crept back on over the past 2-3 years.  I went to see my surgeon and addressed my concerns about NEVER feeling satiated, so he ordered an upper GI & upper endoscopy to evaluate my pouch size and the size of my gastrojujenostomy.  My stoma is dialated, so food is not staying in my stomach, causing almost constant hunger.  From what you're saying it sounds like you could have a similar issue, as MANY RNY patients have encountered.

My surgeon was working with a gastroenterologist who is doing the Apollo procedure & sclerotherapy via endoscopy to try to restore the original anatomy of RNY.  I have been seeing him for 1.5 years working my way up the wait list for the procedure and just recently received my denial letter from insurance.  I am skeptical about appealing, as I am not convinced that this will be a long term fix for me.  I've decided to seek the opinion of another surgeon & go from there.  It seems a revision to DS would probably be the best option, but I'm keeping an open mind.

Anyways, just wanted to let you know you are certainly not alone in this situation. Definately start with an appt with your original surgeon & go from there.


Best of luck! :)


Heather V.
on 1/25/13 3:51 am

Thanks Sarah!

on 1/25/13 12:38 am

Go read this thread: Patient-Fail-the-Procedure-or-Does-the/

I suggest you start researching a revision to the DS.

Heather V.
on 1/25/13 3:50 am

Thank you, I don't have time at the moment, however just glancing at the link for a minute, it looks like helpful infomation-thx again!

on 1/25/13 1:45 am - Harrisburg, PA

Hi Heather,

Go back to your surgeon and talk about the recent rapid weight loss.  They may order an EGD to scope your stomach and upper intestine to see if you have developed a complication, allowing you to take in more food than you should.  The Dr. should be your first stop.  Based on test results, they can determine if you are a candidate for revision surgery.  Hang in there!



Heather V.
on 1/25/13 3:49 am

Thank you!!!

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