RNY to DS revision 1 year later **LONG**

on 12/23/12 2:47 pm - Palmer, AK

Warning~Long post!!!!  Also posted on Proboards and FB website
Coming up on my one year surgiversary in less than a week.
Hard to believe it has been almost one year already. I never dreamed it would be so bittersweet. I had RNY surgery 2/26/02. (Never knew the DS exsisted~no home computer either) I lost over 150 pounds, and at 18 months out, almost like a switch had been thrown, I started gaining weight back, no matter what I did, the weight kept coming back. I gained from 150 up to 230. But I was still considered a success with the RNY. I had such hatred for myself, and my failure. In late 2008, I started looking at the newly discovered DS, and really started to think about it. In early 2009, I decided to start down the road toward insurance approval. And nearly 3 excruciatingly long years later I was approved…………… with the help of Diana Cox and Larra. I found out at work that I was going from a 40 hour work week to a 20 hour work January 1, 2012 week less than one month prior to being approved for my revision from RNY to DS with Dr. Keshishian. When I was approved December 16th, I contacted Dr. Keshishian’s office to try and get a date prior to the end of the year due to my cir****tances at work. I also begged my boss to let me go and get surgery prior to losing my benefits (short-term disability).
Thankfully, in that regard everything worked out.

But, unfortunately I ended up with complications.
1. A leak, which healed on its own. Another trip to California from Alaska. ~ Better safe than sorry.
2. An infected incision.
3. An “impressive” ventral hernia discovered in March, and the surgeon up here said the same exact thing Dr. Keshishian said, that since there was an infection/sepsis, that they did not want to attempt hernia repair for 6 months from the time I was placed on antibiotics in late January. I was placed on a 20 pound lifting restriction, and I had a 40 pound minimum lifting requirement, and work could not come up with light duty for me, so home I stayed.

I finally did have surgery to repair the hernia in mid-September. Still working on resolving some issues from that surgery, I have fluid under my mesh. My incision is 10 inches long. I did get a plastic surgeon involved in the repair surgery, too.

Still not released to go back to work, yet.
Getting laid off, as of January 1, 2013, so, I am thankful that I have had short-term rolled over into long-term disability for some type of an income to fall back on. I am looking for work, but we all know that takes time. The layoff has nothing to do with me or my medical condition. It actually is all about federal funding shortfalls to the company that I work for.

So, throughout this year, I have tried to keep my chin up, and have a positive attitude. My husband was not supportive of my revision surgery, and with these complications, not having the support has been rough to say the least.

But, when I was down in California the 2nd time, I got to meet 3 real ANGELS!!!!! Sharyl (Girlrocker), Sheri (Sherbearmama), Debbie (mlleelise), and Leslie who is from OH.

I am THANKFUL to have had the support of this board, the OH board, and the Facebook board. All of the WONDERFUL people on these boards who pay it forward and talk of their experiences are genuine of their journeys and support, me included, I try and pay it forward on the revisions board on OH, so people understand there are more choices out there, and to RESEARCH their options if they are thinking of pursuing a revision.

There have been good things along the way during this year, don’t get me wrong, it has not been all bad.
1. My son is 6 ½. (He took today's pics) He has been a daddy’s boy……… being home with him this summer has been a purely positive experience. It has definitely brought us closer together. Being off of work for this long has been a new experience in itself with me, as I have worked since I was 12. When I met my hubby, I was working 3 jobs, totally normal for me.
2. I have lost 71 pounds. My current BMI is 32.9. My body has truly been concentrating on trying to heal itself, so I feel I am not as close to goal as I would like, HELL, I am not positive I will ever get to goal. But, with the DS I sincerely have a SHOT of getting there!!!!!
3. I no longer wear a tight size 22, I wear a size 12~Lee brand jeans. I was in an XL shirt; I am now in a Medium. My boobs are still big, a little deflated, but still big. From a DD to a D/C depending on the bra.

My emotional gas tank is empty. I have really been struggling. And there is this saying about Mental Health Awareness: “Depression, anxiety, and panic attacks are NOT a sign of weakness. They are signs of having tried to remain strong for too long.”

So, I have hope for the New Year that I get another good paying job that I love, and my marriage stays intact.
As far as my labs go, things are looking good, a few low levels in September, and I tweaked my regimen to adjust accordingly. I just had my labs drawn yesterday, so it will be a week before they are all back. I do have a spreadsheet to keep track of them, so I can spot any trends.

I have had some similar things happen with my blood, and deficiencies like Girlrocker with the RNY. I am no longer anemic, and I was having to get B-12 injections every 3 weeks with the RNY, and switched to the sub-lingual tablets after the DS (Using VitaLady’s schedule). I am SO HIGH with B-12, I have had go to every-other-day with the B-12. The range is 211-942, and the blood draw in June my # was 1792 and in September it was 1993.
Also, I am no longer anemic, and have dropped from (last year in December) 1 Chromagen Forte twice daily and in addition 2000 mg twice daily vitamin C and 2 multivitamin twice daily just to fight to keep in the low-normal range.
And milk??????????????? I was lactose intolerant for nearly 10 years with the RNY, and we would buy 2 different kinds of milk for the household groceries. I am NO LONGER lactose intolerant. WEIRD!!!!!!

Now on to the recent pics:




**Me and my yard sale finds** The DS MOTTO!!!!





RNY 2/26/2002                           DS 12/29/2011
HW 317                                     SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298                                     CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003  
TT 4/9/2003

Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!







GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**

on 12/24/12 7:42 am - Vancouver, WA

WOW you have had quite a time!!! Sounds like you are on the upswing now tho, only great things ahead for you. I just know it!!!! You are looking awesome, that alone has to cheer you up. I wish you nothing but the very best in the new year and have a very Merry Christmas!!!!!

on 12/24/12 1:11 pm - Palmer, AK

Thank you!!!!



RNY 2/26/2002                           DS 12/29/2011
HW 317                                     SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298                                     CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003  
TT 4/9/2003

Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!







GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**

on 12/28/12 1:09 pm - Brookfield, MO


You look GREAT. Sorry for the problems u endured to get where u are, but good things are ahead, I'll bet! I forgot to look, but where are u from? I had the RNY on April 12, 2000....I went from 380 to 180, but have gained the past several years back up to 280..I am scared! I so want the DS....I have heard that it is THE surgery to get...I'm just now starting to investigate. How long did u have to fight your insurance company to get the revision? What kind of info/proof did they need? I know I am anemic, actually have Pernicious Anemia...anyhoo, I am from Missouri and have Blue Cross Blue Shield....if you can point me in the right direction, it would be great. Sorry for questions! [email protected]

on 12/30/12 2:18 pm - Palmer, AK

Pointing in the right direction --> weightlosssurgery.proboards.com/


I fought my insurance company nearly 3 years.  All insurance companies and insurance policies are vastly different.

I am from Alaska.


RNY 2/26/2002                           DS 12/29/2011
HW 317                                     SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298                                     CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003  
TT 4/9/2003

Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!







GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**

on 1/1/13 6:33 am

Congragulations on your success. it seems you have had a difficult road but inspite of it all you have been successful in this journey. I am hoping to have a revision in February from the RNY to either a DS or repair the old RNY. I have a fistula.   I only lost 50 lbs originally before the fistula happened. Do you have any advise about converting to the DS? Any regrets? Thanks for posting your story- it gives many of us seeking revisions encouragement.

on 1/16/13 5:35 am - Palmer, AK

My advice about converting to the DS is to RESEARCH!!!!!!!!!  I read a paper written by Dr. Keshishian over on his website it is under the About Us tab, and then under Research and Publications, titled 'Duodenal Switch is a Safe Operation for Patients who have failed Other Bariatric Operations'

Honestly, I had been on the fence about pursuing having a revision surgery because I was STILL blaming my self for "MY" failure.  I found out how wrong my thinking was, after reading that.


I have absolutely NO REGRETS about the revision, NONE!!!!!!

RNY 2/26/2002                           DS 12/29/2011
HW 317                                     SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298                                     CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003  
TT 4/9/2003

Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!







GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**

Cam L.
on 1/14/13 5:34 pm - Seattle, WA

Thank you so much for sharing. Every story is so important! I am seriously considering a revision from RNY to DS.  Your story gives me pause. I had a very easy RNY surgery and just like you, one day it just stopped helping and felt like it was a road block. I hope this year puts all these complications and such behind you and you can truly enjoy your successes thus far and those to come in the future! 

on 1/16/13 5:42 am - Palmer, AK

Honestly, after all of the research that I had done, prior to having my DS surgery, I found out that the RNY surgery was just not the surgery for me.

First, because I had life long obesity, I was 175 pounds when I was 11-12 years old, did not even hit puberty until I was 14, obesity runs on BOTH sides of my family, so I inherited that wonderful gene.

Secondly, I was put on so many crash diets, that essentially ruined my metabolism.  My first crash diet that I remember, was when I was 11.  I believe my mom had enrolled me into weigh****chers or Jenny Craig (or some program like that) when I was 10.


There was the bonus of me getting older and NEVER EVER being able to take NSAIDS, like asprin, Aleve, and ibuprofen.  So, my hip had a flare up, and since I drive for work, I had to take pain pills.  I drive for my job............ pain pills, and driving do not mix.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yup............ I had to take 2 weeks off of work to get over my flare up, cause it was BAD.  I would have much rather spent 2 weeks on vacation, ya know???

RNY 2/26/2002                           DS 12/29/2011
HW 317                                     SW 263 BMI 45.1
SW 298                                     CW 192 BMI 32.9~60% EWL
LW 151 in 2003  
TT 4/9/2003

Normal BMI 24.8 is my GOAL!!!







GBP (RNY) 2/26/02 298 lbs, TT 4/9/03 151 lbs, DS 12/29/11
HW 317 SW 263 BMI 45.1/CW 192 BMI 32.9/GW 145 ~ Normal BMI 24.8
**Revision Journey started 3/2009 Approved 12/12/11**

on 1/15/13 9:23 am - Davison, MI

And thru this all you have been so supportive of everyone.  And always there to help educate others.

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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