3rd day of all liquid diet before revision

on 2/6/13 11:41 pm

Today is my 3rd day of my all liquid diet phase before my revision from VBG to GB surgery. Scheduled for surgery on Feb. 19.  Seems to be getting easier to only drink the Slim Fas****er, Crystal Light and jello than it was on the first day.  Was really hard the first day as I had no energy and was very weak. Def. getting easier. Am still nervous about my revision.  Have heard the weight loss is alot slower w/ a revision & recovery is longer.  Truly hoping I am doing the right thing here.  The way I see it, I plan on doing exactly as the Drs. tell me this time to make this work. Hopefully I will lose a significant portion of my excess weight. I am starting walking now on my treadmill a little at a time as I have a really bad arthritic hip that pains me alot. Am hoping as I lose weight it will be easier to walk and exercise.  Any thoughts, suggestions from others that have went thru this process ??????

on 2/7/13 3:10 am

I am like you- I had a gastric bypass approx. 7 years ago and lost very little weight. I finally went and had a bunch of tests done and found out I had a fistula- a very rare thing but it happens. I am currently scheduled for surgery on March 19th . My surgeon is planning on doing a DS. I am so nervous and can't believe I am putting myself thru this BUT I want to be on the other side, losing and feeling better. I am so tired of being fat. I saw a quote today that made a lot of sense to me so I copied it so that I could post it in front of my computer to remind me of why I am doing this.

It says:


if I can put the fear behind me then all will be well so that is what I am working on.

Good luck! Please keep everyone posted on your journey. I would love to hear how it all goes for you.


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