Having trouble Need help No insurance

L. Noble
on 8/15/12 1:33 pm, edited 8/16/12 11:36 am - TX
Hi, I have a question , Has anyone ever had a revision surgery and gotten financial help thru the hospital to help pay for it? Are there cir****tances that would make it an emergency to do a revision? Just wondering, I am currently having some problems with my RNY original surgery was 2003 and I have in the past two years gained around 60 pounds and I am able to eat way more than I should, recently I have been having a burning in my stomach that never goes away, also having heart burn again which I haven't had in yrs, constant nausea, weakness and fatigue like you wouldn't believe also always have diarreah, sorry I know TMI but I need help and I don't have any insurance I am currently self employed and can't afford it. I have in the past three years had three broken bones an ankle, wrist and foot two of which needed surgery. I am so depressed and upset over this weight gain and the shame is almost unbearable. Please help me get info. I orginally lost 126 pounds and I'm halfway back to that point. I need help.
on 8/16/12 1:46 am - Australia
RNY on 10/19/12
I can't really answer your question I just wanted to say good luck and I hope you can get something sorted quickly .
L. Noble
on 8/16/12 5:40 am - TX
Thank you so much, I do too.
L. Noble
on 8/16/12 5:42 am - TX
(deactivated member)
on 8/16/12 7:08 pm - WA

I got my original surgery free, as a charity care patient for what the doctor deemed necessary surgery. You could check that. Also someone said to me once that maybe you could find one of your friends to marry and use thier insurance then divorce 30 days after the surgery. Maybe you could let them claim you on thier taxes for that year as a thank you.

on 8/16/12 7:51 pm
Are you able to keep up with your supplements and lab work.  Right now I would be more worried about that.  Breaking bones like that makes me worry about osteoporosis.  I wound up with that because I wasn't as diligent as I should have been after my first WLS.  I had all kinds of issues because of my carelessness.  Vitamin deficiency can cause the fatigue which in turn makes it hard to get in any activity which can play a part in regain.  And it can lead to depression which can also cause you not to care about yourself and to overeat to try and feel better.  And there are a lot worse things you could be facing if you aren't taking care of yourself.  I would also be concerned about an ulcer from the way you describe your stomach pain.
Do you qualify for some kind of state aid like Medicaid?  If not then you may need to see if you can find a doctor that will work with you.  Many doctors now are giving cash discounts.  See if there are any free clinics in your area.  I know where I live they have events where you can get free health screenings and help with resources to get the health care you need.  Please, don't let your shame over regain keep you from seeing a doctor.  You may well need a revision but first you need to take care of your health and get in as good of shape as you can.
You may also try to contact your original surgeon and see if you can work out a payment plan to see him.  He knows what he did to you and may be able to help you.
Good luck and I wish you well.

WLS 10/28/2002 Revision 7/23/2010

High Weight  (2002) 240 Revision Weight (2010) 220 Current Weight 115.

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