Revision from Band to RNY or Sleeve???? Surgeon says RNY

on 5/17/12 4:16 pm - chicago, IL
I had my consultation with my surgeon a few days ago. I wanted to have the band to sleeve revision but the doc says he will not do it because going from a band to sleeve is harder to control complications. He recommended band to rny because if there are complications it is easier to control. I been searching these forums up and down and I'm just not sold on this statement he made. Now it may be true but I have also read that most band patients go from band to sleeve. Please provide any input on this topic. Thanks 
Turtle Lynn
on 5/18/12 1:12 am - New Castle, DE
RNY on 05/29/12 with

Can you have a consultation with another Bariatric Surgeon and get a second opion?  

Or maybe, call and talk to this doc again and tell him you need more information?

I'm having a Band to RNY revision on 05/29 for several reasons.  One of the main ones is that the RNY cures acid reflux which my Band is causing even though its empty because of the scar tissue underneath of it.  It has made I guess like a stricture which is continuing the pressure on my stomach making the acid continually shoot into my esophagus.  The sleeve was not a good option for me; I need the re-routing to cure the reflux.  

I also only lost a little over half my weight with the Band.  I needed to lose about 158 lbs and I lost 100 lbs and have now gained back 50 of that 100 lbs.  With RNY I have a good opportunity to lose this 100 lbs to finally get to my goal weight.  

You can post on the RNY board and the Sleeve board, and even the DS board if that is a consideration for you.  You should get a lot of replies that will help you in your decision-making and even maybe what to discuss further with this surgeon or see if you need to look around a little more and find another surgeon.  Maybe one with more experience?  

Maybe this doc hasn't had real good results with the Sleeve patients?  Or maybe he isn't comfortable with that specific surgery?  It's hard to say.  

Then again, RNY has been around for a very long time and does have proven results; it has been the "gold standard" in WLS for a long time.  

By all accounts, the DS is now the "platinum standard" in WLS, with long-term weight loss.  

I don't know that they have specifically done the Sleeve for WLS long enough yet to give it a ranking; though it is the first part of the DS, so it has been done for a while as well.  

The most important thing is that YOU are comfortable with the decision you make as far as which WLS you have.  It's YOUR body and YOUR life and you have to be okay and at peace with whatever surgery you choose.  They are all good tools; you just need to decide which one will work best for you.  

Best of luck to you with whatever you decide! 

  HW 287, GW 150,  CW 168   ** Band to RNY 05/29/12 **

Starting BMI between 35 and 40ish? Join us-Lightweights Board


Zee Starrlite
on 5/18/12 4:22 am
There are a ton of us band to Sleeve folks.

Not sure what your personal situation is.  Don't have it for writing right now but if you'd like to talk some time let me know.


3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 5/18/12 5:56 am - NY
**HIJACK** Hi Zee, how are you doing?  Long time no see.  I haven't been on the boards lately but I tend to pop in from time to time.

Zee Starrlite
on 5/18/12 6:18 am
Hi Frankie!

How are you?  My stomach sleeved is fantastic - I've had no issues . . .  except I am a slow loser.  I'm in size 10 stretch Levi's and always had an evenly proportioned body so I have not been deeply motivated to lose like I should.  Now if I were a size 20 and having more knee pain I'd be desperate.

Last Tuesday I lost my mom whom I was with basically every day of my life . It's been hard but I will be strong like her and live my best life like she'd want me to. 

Last night I was watching one of those crazy TLC shows "Pregnant and Obese" .  My God,  we are so wise to have done something about our situations.  At nearly 500lbs this woman taking several shots of insulin and pills for her pre, pre pregnancy diabetes, hypertension, and all sorts of issues from being "fat" stated proudly that she would never consider doing something invasive like WLS.  Yet she selfishly put her unborn child on the line for a medical disaster.

So happy that I was given the opportunity to revise.  I never want to be obese again.  There is such a freedom that comes with being smaller, healthier.

You look fantastic by the way.  I am glad it turned out well for you.. . .and me too.

All Best,

3/30/2005 Lap Band installed  12/20/2010  Lap Band REMOVED  
6/6/2011 Vertical SLEEVE Gastrectomy

on 5/21/12 12:02 am - NY
Leila, condolences to you.  I can't imagine what you are going through but know that I will pray that God will get you through this trying time. 

Congrats on the weight loss, girl this ride is great.  I went from a size 18 and XXL tops to size 8 and s/m tops.  It seems that I think my body will stop and then I start losing again.  I notice that the more I eat the more I lose (I eat much healthier now then I did when I had my RNY done-go figure).  I do well with low carbs because I notice that if I binge on too many carbs it damn near kills me with the bloating and gas so I keep it under 50 grams and less.

I realize that I did this for my health and the extra perk is that we look great.  I am so grateful to Dr. Roslin that I was able to revise with no complications.  Just like you I never want to be MO again ever!!!! I want to be healthy and live longer to raise my children.

Take care and keeping you in prayer.

on 5/18/12 6:05 am
i think you may need to talk to your dr and find out exactly why he doesn't want to do the band to sleeve option. 

He may feel this is not a good option for you.  The restriction with the sleeve is different than the band.  Some people like Zee are very happy with the sleeve.

We both had lap band and both chose different revisions. My surgeon would not consider the sleeve because my heart burn was so severe it was causing damage to the esophagus. With the sleeve some people get heart burn and he wasn't willing to take the chance.

I chose the RNY and am very happy BUT it is a lifetime commitment to take the vitamins. 

I think that both surgeries can be very successful.  Please do a good research on both surgeries and take your research to him.

Are you a volume eater??   Can you limit your volume of food??  if you are only a volume eater and you eat healthy then the sleeve could be the right choice for you.

I ate healthy with the band but my insulin resistance and diabetes came back after a year so the RNY was the best choice for me.  I do dump on sweets which i am thankful for.  but i also get sick if i eat too many carbs or fried foods. 


on 5/18/12 10:51 am - Vancouver, WA
Alk I can say is maybe HE doesn't know how to do it but many, many others do and the sleeve is an excellent surgery! If you don't need malabsorption to lose there is no reason to go with the RNY. The restrictiin from a sleeve is totally different from the band from what I've read. If You want the sleeve push for it, unless there is a special reason not to go for it! There are thousands of happy band to sleevers!
(deactivated member)
on 5/21/12 2:02 am
RNY on 05/07/12
My doctor did not give me an option. My band ha to be removed for six months before she would convert. If I converted it was only RNY. I never asked questions. I tried a less invasive and it had to be removed, do for me I did not want to risk another surgery so I wanted the "gold standard". I had RNY two weka ago and feel great. Hope you figure out what is best for you and best of luck
on 5/21/12 5:51 am - Commerce City, CO
I am converting from band to RNY on Thursday.  My dr would not do the sleeve for the same reason others have mentioned, the reflux issues I have had with the band.  He said the RNY was much better for that.  I asked about both options and feel comfortable with that decision especially in light of what I have read hear of others saying the same thing about the reflux issues if that is the reason your band is being removed.  I did get to goal weight with the band, lost 126 lbs in one year, I was very successful.  Then 3 yrs later started having lots of reflux and they had to remove most of my fill, since then I've regained about half the weight.  I know I will be successful again and look forward to not having to take 2 Prilosec a day!
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